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The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow


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I'm considering this book as a supplement to our Middle Ages studies. My son just finished "A Door in the Wall," and he did not enjoy it. To tell the truth, I don't really blame him -- too little character development, and not very exciting, even when it could have been. Last year he read Golden Goblet and Mara, Daughter of the Nile, and LOVED them both. I want him to enjoy his supplemental reading; it adds so much to our history studies.


Anyhow, knowing a bit about his tastes, would he enjoy "Story of Rolf?"



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We found this book absolutely captivating. The language is a little old fashioned but the story itself really evokes the whole time period. However, we listened to A Door in the Wall on audio and my kids enjoyed that as well. However, I would say, in terms of caliber of writing, Rolf has it over Door in the Wall. I say go for it!

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Well, my ds didn't object to Door in the Wall at all, and Rolf is a lot longer, but I think he also found it a lot more exciting. I pre-read it over the summer and feared that the slightly stilted language and slow start might put him off -- though I found myself sucked in more and more as the story went on. He actually had less trouble getting into it than I thought and thoroughly enjoyed it. So did the 6th grade girl with whom he schools part time. I think they both liked it more than The Trumpeter of Krakow, which they've also read recently for school.

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We're reading Rolf aloud right now. All three of my children (9,9,7) are really enjoying it. So much so, in fact, that I've been _hiding_ the book when I'm not reading it aloud because they were all arguing about who should get to read ahead first!



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I'm considering this book as a supplement to our Middle Ages studies. My son just finished "A Door in the Wall," and he did not enjoy it. To tell the truth, I don't really blame him -- too little character development, and not very exciting, even when it could have been. Last year he read Golden Goblet and Mara, Daughter of the Nile, and LOVED them both. I want him to enjoy his supplemental reading; it adds so much to our history studies.


Anyhow, knowing a bit about his tastes, would he enjoy "Story of Rolf?"






The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow is good, but there is a ghost scene in the book. I want to say about 2/3 of the way through. They disturb a grave and a ghost attacks them. I don't remember how they get out of the situation.


It really isn't that bad, so if it is your 11 yo...well you know your child. I have overly sensitive girls. :rolleyes:




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Thanks all!


This sounds like a go for us. The single biggest complaint DS will make about a book is that "not enough happens," so the pace of Rolf will be something he enjoys. I may have to give him a hand with the language for a while, but I really think this helps with comprehension and vocabulary in the long run.

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