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Gift for our Pastor

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Our Pastor wrote two faith based recommendations to two of the Christian colleges my dd is considering. She'd like to get him a small thank you gift but we need suggestions. For her English teacher, who wrote the academic recommendations, she gave her the large Harvest Yankee Candle. It doesn't necessarily have to be Christian. I don't know if he has any hobbies. He has a great sense of humor, and is in his late 50's. Any ideas, Wise Women of the Hive?

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Tell us more about his sense of humour.... I'm thinking of something here but it may be too much for him...

meh. Here's my idea: a homemade card with the cover being him as a shepherd. Some wording about taking care of his sheep. Then you open it and there's a sentiment in there that goes something like this: ARG I can't do it until I know about his sense of humour!!!


(if all else fails then a heart warming card with a gift certificate to dinner... or to a comedy night if there's a Christian comedian coming to town)

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He has that gentle, self-depreciating (?) style. One of those that can get the message across with a few thoughts and a gentle joke. I was sort of thinking the gift certificate idea, too. My dh is a restaurant manager and he did tell my dd he was open to bribes. I just didn't know if that would seem like a copout? Personally, I'm always happy with gift cards to restaurants, book stores, etc.

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