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Creativity needed....

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I have a 2 hour class coming up that I have to teach on anything I want to. I want it to be at least partially hands on for the kids, but I am limited by having no kitchen. I was thinking of doing 2 liter soda bottle rockets, but it may be chilly out, and I am not sure we can get it all done in 2 hours. :001_huh: The class is in 1 week, and I have been trying to figure this out (off and on) since September. :confused: Please tell me you have some ideas to share with me. (where is the begging smiley?)

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I *just* watched this on YouTube about five minutes ago -


I have absolutely no idea why it glows.....but maybe you could use that as part of your class....to find out why. I definitely dont think it would take the whole 2 hours, but maybe you could put another small experiment in there with it. Maybe the ol' pop rocks and soda experiment. Make it a soda day.


Edited to Add: Okay, I had to research it myself.....that video is false!!! UGH!!! I found it on snopes right here: http://www.snopes.com/photos/food/mountaindew.asp . Sorry!

Edited by ChristusG
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I'd recommend checking out the Zoom website--show from pbs (although it's not on here anymore...I miss it!). There are all kinds of science experiments/art projects/fun things to do! They have printables with the instructions all typed out written directly to the kids. I taught an 8-week after-school activity called ClubZoom using all activities from the website. All that I did was gather materials (most are things around your house), print off the instruction sheets, demonstrate at the beginning of class, and then walk around and help them. Tons of fun! They have film canister rockets, marble runs, newspaper towers, etc. Check it out! (That's what they say on the show all the time...check it out, then turn off the TV and do it!) :001_smile:



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