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Now I am REALLY aggravated!

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We bought our Kindle in May for $359...the original price. Literally, one week later they released the Kindle DX. I have since decided that I don't want the bigger one but still....


Then over the summer, they drop the price to $299. Of course. And now that I live in Malaysia, the wireless no longer works so I have to download books to my computer and then transfer them to my kindle.


Well TODAY they release the NEW Kindle with International wireless for only $259!!!! So I am mad that not only is it $100 cheaper than it was less than 6 months ago, it apparently now has international wireless. There is NO other difference. Why can't there be some kind of upgrade that you could load onto your existing kindle? Why do you have to buy a whole new one?


But, in the end, it doesn't matter because the international is available to over 100 countries but one of them is NOT Malaysia. Of course. I looked through their list and I saw a a little trend. It seems like most of the countries that are blocked are Islamic countries....hmmmm.... would that be a kindle thing or a choice made by the country?


Either way, it's just my luck. Grrrr.....

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But, in the end, it doesn't matter because the international is available to over 100 countries but one of them is NOT Malaysia. Of course. I looked through their list and I saw a a little trend. It seems like most of the countries that are blocked are Islamic countries....hmmmm.... would that be a kindle thing or a choice made by the country?




It's hard to imagine that it's a Kindle thing.


I thought this article was very interesting: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ayaan-hirsi-ali/the-ipod-and-the-queen-th_b_214045.html


I've read Ayaan Hirsi Ali's book and found it very eye-opening. Her idea at the end of this article for a "reading summit" sounds like a great idea to me.

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