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If you use TOG or Omnibus for HS, what do you do about Econ, Govt, etc.?

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Dh and I are figuring out our plan for HS for our 13 yo. We are meeting with the director of admissions at the community college in two weeks and with the two "homeschool umbrella" options at Christian schools in November. We are trying to figure out what we might want to use, so that we know what we need from them. I've been working on this for a few years, of course, :D but I do have some last questions...


If you use TOG or Omnibus (our two considerations for lit/history/Bible,) what do you do about the requirements for 1/2 credit of Econ, 1/2 credit of Govt, etc. I looked at the TOG list of credits for high school, and they don't seem to incorporate those. Do you ignore the requirement and figure you are safe with any four history courses, or do you supplement to make up those courses? Not only that, but I want dc to have a class in economics and government in high school. Do you just add it?

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TOG does have government credit built in. Look on the Loom under "All year plans" , "Rhetoric/Dialectic helps". If you follow the government assignments, your child will earn 1/2 credit per year. I don't do the government assignments freshman year, but we still have plenty of time to earn the full government credit.


As far a Econ goes, I am looking into online college courses for my kids to take senior year.



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Omnibus has government built in to its Modern History. They study the Constitution,some federalist and anti-federalist papers, Declaration of Independence and Bill of RIghts.We did Omnibus for high school, in middle school, I did a separate study of government that was more of an overview. I felt Omnibus was a good study of these primary documents and the reason they were formed. If you want a more general view of how government works you may want to supplement, We also supplemented with Bill Bennett's AMerica : the Last Best Hope, which I felt was a great complement to the government study, but not a necessity.


We are using a supplemental for economics.

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