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Anyone on the boards a Land Surveyor?

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or maybe your DH?


I have some questions I am hoping to get some answers.


If there are no survey pegs on a property or the surrounding properties how does a surveyor peg the land accurately?


Am i right in assuming that the measurements given for a boundary are taken at the same height. ie if the land slops away considerably you would peg the high point and then measure a straight line across the air and peg the point below and not simply measure across the lay of the land, hope that makes sense.


We are going to have a potential dispute with a neighbour over a boundary fence and i just want to get some facts before we get too far down the road.


Thankyou to anyone who can help.

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Hi! Neither my husband nor I are surveyers but we have had our property surveyed and know how to operate a transit ourselves.


You might have markers, but they might not be obvious to you. We have some markers buried in the road in front of our house. We also have some markers buried in the field out back. If there aren't any markers, they will measure from the nearest known point.


Don't know if this helps--good luck with your neighbor!

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Thanks Jean. We do have a copy of the survey plans for the area which has all the blocks and their boundary measurements etc, but we are pretty sure as the land, and plan are from the 50s that some of the other houses in our street and the street behind are incorrect. Just as an eg our block and the block nextdoor are suposed to line up exactly with 1 property behind and they don't.


Someone somewhere has it wrong and our neighbour says it is us, but i think it is the neighbour on the other side. Hopefully we wont end up in court over it all.

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Dh is not a surveyor, but he services and sells survey instruments. He said don't take chances trying to figure out the boundary on your own. Surveyors currently work pretty cheap (hopefully in AU as well). He was able to tell me that the distances listed between each point are listed in horizontal distance.


Hope this helps...

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Thanks Jenny. We certainly wont be taking any chances i guess we are more after a rough guide at this point so we can kind of work out if we are right. Surveyors here charge about $800 AUD to survey a block, not too bad. It is up to him to provide proof that the fence is wrong so we will wait for a signed survey certificate from him before we go ahead with our survey.


That is great to know that the distance is horizontal. That is what we thought, with such a significant slope to the land it is clear that his tape measure across the ground is nowhere near accurate :) Yay for us! That will make the fence closer to the right place, hopefully exactly right.

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