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If you use DIVE for Chemistry with the BJU textbook...

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what is your schedule like? How much time do you spend per day? Do you have your dc make flashcards for the vocabularly? Do they take notes from the textbook when reading from it or just from the "lecture"?


Can this course be done in an hour per day?


Lastly, does anyone know how well the DIVE syllabus for the BJU 2nd edition of Chemistry works with the BJU 3rd edition of Chemistry?



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My son uses Dive with BJUP Chemistry 3rd edition. The syllabus does not completely work with the 3rd edition. I called and they told me to scan the TOC and email it to them and they would write a new syllabus, I haven't gotten to that yet. It takes ds16 about 50-60 minutes a day to complete the work. He does not take notes from the book, make flash cards, or answer any questions in the BJ text, he only does what is scheduled on the Dive cd. The words that need to be defined are written on notebook paper. Every week his basic schedule is Read - Define - Watch - Take Notes (from the lecture) - Questions - Labs.

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My son uses Dive with BJUP Chemistry 3rd edition. The syllabus does not completely work with the 3rd edition. I called and they told me to scan the TOC and email it to them and they would write a new syllabus, I haven't gotten to that yet. It takes ds16 about 50-60 minutes a day to complete the work. He does not take notes from the book, make flash cards, or answer any questions in the BJ text, he only does what is scheduled on the Dive cd. The words that need to be defined are written on notebook paper. Every week his basic schedule is Read - Define - Watch - Take Notes (from the lecture) - Questions - Labs.


Does your ds like it? Do you find it to be thorough? Does it cover most of what is in the textbook primarily explaining what he read?


Thanks, again.

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but we did use the BJU DVDs for chemistry last year for two dtrs who really struggled with chemistry. THE younger dtr is science-minded but prob. a bit young [she was 14yo] for the more intangibles within the subject of chemistry.


Anyway, one dtr typed her vocab [the younger] and one dtr made flashcards. I made them recite the vocab to me [5 at a time] about every other day during the roughly 2 weeks per chapter. Then I gave 1/2 pt or 1/4 pt per vocab word that they could define [nearly word perfect] on the tests. They usually average from 4-6 points of extra credit this way. If I didn't have them say them to me, the lazier dtr wouldn't do the memorizing of the vocab. Plus memorizing comes easily to both girls and I felt the emphasis on the vocab would help them retain the material, cross-reference it to other subjects and basically [because they are strong language arts students].


We did all the DVD assignments [which were most of the chapter review questions in the BJU 2nd edition book] as well as all the labs.]


We spent an average of 1.5 hours a day on chemistry, prob more like 2 hours a day the second half of the year. We really struggled with a few of the chapters, doing 2 or 3 chapters completely over because we got C- or Dplus on the tests. Plus, both dtrs didn't like chemistry and needed lots of prodding and pushing by me to do the work...


As I said, we really struggled and because of this, the workload [and oversight from me] had to increase as the year went on because the girls were not really applying themselves fully. So about halfway thru [should have been sooner] I added a requirement that the girls note-take from the video and that helped a ton...


So the daily sked for us was - watch video while taking notes, write/make vocab flashcards, say vocab if necess, do homework 3-4 days a week - chap review questions,[have mom correct questions and redo any that were missed] and do lab and write up lab report one day per every 2 weeks.


I am always surprised when someone does science in an hour a day - that is about half the time we need, esp as the 3-4 days before the test approaches...

- Lisaj, HTH

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