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Mosdos Ruby literature for 4th grade - I just received this!


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I don't mean to add to your choices of literature for elementary grades but just want to say that MOSDOS Ruby level looks great. I have been using BJU Reading with my girls (on top of 1 reading book per week), but just needed a change. MOSDOS Ruby dives right into introducing literary elements in their first lesson.


There are the same components as the other levels - 2 TM, workbook and the student textbook. I like the student text because the selections are short enough that I don't have to figure out how to break the pages and spread into several days. We started today and I am very please so far.


Hope this helps for those who were waiting for this level to get published.



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be a bit too easy for 4th graders. However I found the 5th grade book to be even a little advanced for 5th graders- so could I use the 4th grade book with my third grader who has good reading comprehension but prefers to read short selections rather than books? I'd really like to use this particular program and I hate the thought of waiting another year before starting a reading program with dd . Does the workbook require a lot of writing from the student?

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I was wondering if you are using the workbook? I am planning to order this for my oldest, but I'm undecided about the workbook. Does the TM look like it is necessary?


Thanks for posting about this...I was waiting to hear some reviews on it before making the purchase. :001_smile:

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I have all the components of Ruby for my 8 yr old dd. I got it for her b/c it is perfect for her reading level -- and I love the content. We are doing the workbook exercises, too, although I'm not sure if we will do every single one. The vocabulary exercises have been excellent. The comprehension/analysis questions have also been good, although one could just do those orally or just do the questions in the TM. I like that the vocabulary comes directly from dd's reading selections.


The workbook does not require a whole lot of writing so far -- mostly just short one or two sentence answers or maybe short paragraph here and there.


It's still pretty early to give a really thorough review, but we are really enjoying it so far.

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