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Science - help me find this curriculum!


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Here's what I want in science: lots of hands on, teaches reasons we can believe in creation, semi-independent, 4th grade...


I did like apologia Astronomy, but it was a lot of reading and not much experiments. I've looked at God's design for science and can't get a good feel for it. It seems techy wordy. Bob Jones looks interesting, but it says it needs a lot of teacher involvement. The best year we had in science was when we did Sonlight, but it didn't have much on the creation stuff. Any suggestions?


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I have not used it myself, but will be checking into it--- Christian Kids Explore series published by Bright Ideas Press. They have: Physics, Chemistry, Earth and Space, and Biology. Here is the website where you can see samples http://www.brightideaspress.com/catalog.htm#science Click on the book you want and all of the info and links to the samples will pop up, plus a little background about the author.


If you decide to check into it, let me know what you think. :)

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I have used God's Design for Science, and while it was very good, it did seem techy as you mentioned, and did not have alot of experiments. I have also used Christian Kids Explore Science, and did like it. However that particular year some other subjects were taking alot of time, and it tended to not always get accomplished... :glare:

This year I have switched gears and am using HOD. (Heart of Dakota) It is excellent! It does combine Bible, History and Science... but puts them together SOOOOOO beautifully! I cannot say enough about it. We learn the tech of science, but the beauty and grace of God who designed and created it all! The explanations of science, as well as showing God's hand in all of it are just wonderful! I have blogged about each unit, and you can see that on my blog Joshua Tree Academy. There is just enough reading, writing and questions and an experiment each week. We LOVE LOVE LOVE it! HTH!

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My opinion is stick with Apologia. Astronomy is one of the simpler ones. The Zoology books have more projects and experiments. Plus you can notebook or lapbook with them. We love this series. You can get experiment kits for them from Home Science Tools too.

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My 4th grader and I are enjoying reading God's Marvelous Gifts from CLE. It's written like a living book. It's very sweet and informative about all general science - animals, plants, weather, anatomy, etc... You can see everything it covers in the Scope & Sequence.


We are using it without the Lightunits (workbooks) which is recommended for 4th grade. There are simple activities or experiments following about half of the lessons in the text. If you use the Lightunits then you can get an experiment kit from Home Science Tools.


We have also used Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space and liked it. The lessons are open & go and there is a supply list to buy anything you need for experiments ahead of time.

Edited by amtmcm
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