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My son is learning a tough lesson about procrastination...

Shelly in IL

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He has 10 paragraphs that need turned in tomorrow. He is 13. He is stressed, frustrated, etc. This is for co-op lit. class and he is freaking out. He has rough drafts for all of them, final copies on 4 - all typed and everything. He does not get to go to hockey tonight to watch brother play. This is a totally new experience. If he doesn't learn anything other than time management from this class, it will be money well spent.

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My dd is also learning that lesson this week. She had a writing project due tomorrow and has spent 2 whole days making the good copy. I allowed her to use school time to get it done-as well as all of yesterday afternoon.Now there are the extra lessons she needs to catch up on next week....


I know it's something they need to learn but boy, it's hard on me! And it's not even my fault.:confused:


Hopefully your son will learn his lesson.;)

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13 ds is much happier and the work is almost all done. One more to type (and polish up). But we don't leave til 9:30 tomorrow - so I might just get him up early. HIs work looks nice, too.


You did a good thing, Momma. Nobody likes to take fun things away from their kids, but this is a lesson he had to learn. You've probably saved him from far worse consequences had you let that kind of procrastination go. Plus, you've given him an opportunity to feel accomplished. I bet he was pleased to show you his work when you returned from the game.

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DS had some procrastination issues last year that ended in his having to work on a couple Saturdays (generally for my deadlines rather than co-op... I'm not more flexible with home stuff than outside!), and he learned fast that it was his own time he was wasting when he dragged his feet.


I got a lot of flack from other homeschoolers for taking a hard line, but I know my kid -- it was exactly the lesson he needed and exactly how he needed to get it. And it has stuck! ;)

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He worked so hard. He had 9 of the 10 writing assignments done when I got home last night. As he worked, his writing improved immensely - he is a good writer, but was writing stiff, awkward sentences. While we were gone, I called him and he read me one of his paragraphs. I mentioned that it seemed stiff and that he should put some personality into it - WOW!! He really blossomed on that essay (this was a 5 par. essay) - it was awesome! Everything he did was awesome after that = then he went back and changed the others to make them better.


I felt sorry for him - he can't type very well and he typed in 9 paragraphs/essays, so I typed in the last one for him. Fortunately, when he read it, he realized that this one really needed help (it was written before the "light came on" in his writing), so he will be working on it this morning - and he'll type it. Nice work my sweet little procrastinator!!!


He was really proud of himself last night!!

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He was really proud of himself last night!!


And it is a sweeter victory because he knows that he worked hard.


Not suggesting that procrastinating is a good idea, but kids know when their pride is based on hard work and good results and when it is from an everyone's a winner type of setting.

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