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If you are watching LOST, all I can say is OMG!!!

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When Claire originally went to the psychic she was told that she must raise here child herself, and that "another" or "an other" must not raise her child. Months pass and the psychic continually tries to contact Claire insisting that she raise the baby and to not give it up for adoption. Then the psychic tells Claire that he has had a new vision and has a plan and he wants her to listen to his plan. She refuses to listen. She tries to give the baby up for adoption anyways, 3 pens fail while she is trying to sign the adoption papers, so she runs away. She runs back to the psychic and wants to hear his plan. He says there is a "good" couple in LA that can raise the child. She must take this specific flight and then everything will still be alright since this family is also "good". :Angel_anim:


When Claire goes into early labor on the island she tells Charlie about the psychic. Charlie is the one who convinces Claire that she was duped by the psychic. Charlie and Claire decide that the psychic knew about the plane crash and that was the psychics plan. To have Claire forced to raise the child.:001_smile:;)


BUT>>> Kate's trial is in LA. Kate and Aaron are in LA.:coolgleamA:

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I swear I have brain damage. I have no recollection of all those details.


I do think it is weird that everyone is strangely connected. Especially by Jack's father. I hope they explain that somehow.

Yep, Maybe Jack's father is the mysterious Jacob? I'm not really serious but then again stranger things have been going on.
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When Claire originally went to the psychic she was told that she must raise here child herself, and that "another" or "an other" must not raise her child. Months pass and the psychic continually tries to contact Claire insisting that she raise the baby and to not give it up for adoption. Then the psychic tells Claire that he has had a new vision and has a plan and he wants her to listen to his plan. She refuses to listen. She tries to give the baby up for adoption anyways, 3 pens fail while she is trying to sign the adoption papers, so she runs away. She runs back to the psychic and wants to hear his plan. He says there is a "good" couple in LA that can raise the child. She must take this specific flight and then everything will still be alright since this family is also "good". :Angel_anim:


When Claire goes into early labor on the island she tells Charlie about the psychic. Charlie is the one who convinces Claire that she was duped by the psychic. Charlie and Claire decide that the psychic knew about the plane crash and that was the psychics plan. To have Claire forced to raise the child.:001_smile:;)


BUT>>> Kate's trial is in LA. Kate and Aaron are in LA.:coolgleamA:


Ooh, I wonder if Ben got to the psychic.

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Could Jin's storyline have been a flash-forward also? DH asked if perhaps they each think that the other one is dead. Otherwise, why manipulate viewers through the whole panda nonsense? Ok, it has me scratching my head as to why Jin would re-marry so fast. But most of LOST has me scratching my head. Anyway, the idealist in me is completely ticked that they are not together in the future.

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Could Jin's storyline have been a flash-forward also? DH asked if perhaps they each think that the other one is dead. Otherwise, why manipulate viewers through the whole panda nonsense? Ok, it has me scratching my head as to why Jin would re-marry so fast. But most of LOST has me scratching my head. Anyway, the idealist in me is completely ticked that they are not together in the future.


Jin's was definitely a flash back, there were too many specific details given for it not to be. The old cell phone and the mention that he had only been married two months, were two huge time line anchors.



The significance of the Panda will be seen shortly. I wonder if the Ambassador or someone in his family isn't Jin's constant. Or that the Panda was a message from Sun's father to the Ambassador. The significance of the animal being a Panda, at all costs, is very evident. Maybe it was one of the first errands that Sun's father sent Jin on and that is why he was so adamant about getting the right animal and why they put in the time line anchor of him only being married a couple of months. That is when he first started to work for Sun's father and was getting promoted.



FWIW- My questions and random wonderings.....I think Jin is alive on the island. I think Sun goes back to Korea alone. Maybe because he knows Sun's father will have issue with something Jin has done (or will refuse to do-now that he is reborn), that there is only so much room on the helicopter or because of something else not seen yet. But I don't think he is really dead. I think that the grave marker is just a guise to account for his absence. Why else wouldn't Sun have gone to see his grave yet? It seems as though several months have passed gauged by apparent the age of the infant. And why with Hurley? I think the grave visit was only for onlookers, maybe the press or family. I also wonder if there isn't a video camera somewhere, maybe so Jin can see the baby? Remember how they video taped Juliette's sister so she could see that she was still safe. I wonder if this is the reason, if that is why they were the only ones to show up. Remember Hurley's comment about being the only one to come? Maybe it was a planned way for the O6 to communicate with the islanders? I do think that Jin will time travel and that is possibly the deformity in Suns ear. Either the actress natually has the deformity or it will happen in a time travel event. I think it is a clue that will come back to us as an...."oh, that is why her ear is deformed"

moment. If Jin does time travel, I wonder if he defys Sun's Father in the past and that is why he can't go home to Korea. Or if he travels to the future maybe he sees that he causes something to happen and that is why he must stay on the island. :confused:

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There's no question that Jin's was a flashback, they did go out of their way to make that apparent...that is apparent after you got to thinking about it. They didn't want it to be apparent while it was being viewed because that would've taken away the big shocking reveal: that it was indeed a flashback not a flashforward and Jin and Sun are not together. That was a shocker and if we knew it was coming it wouldn't have had any impact. They wanted you to think it was concurrent with Sun's right up to the very end.

But the year of the dragon was 2001 or 2000, so that was definitely when Jin's flashback occurred.

And I don't think the panda has any real relevance, it is quite a common symbol of good luck in Asian countries. And why would Jin need a constant? He hasn't been slipping around in time and I doubt that he will. No one else on the show needs a constant except Desmond, Minkowski (who didn't find one) and possibly Daniel in a future episode. Barring any unexpected exposure to radiation, no one else on the island currently needs a constant.


While I cannot for the life of me figure out how Jack's father could be Jacob, and while I think that this is HIGHLY improbable...the fact remains that Jack's father was the man shown in the chair in Jacob's cabin when Locke was there the first time with Ben. Perhaps it was the smoke monster taking Jack's father's form? If thats the case then one would assume the smoke monster was Jacob, which I don't buy that either. There's going to be more clues regarding the smoke monster and Jacob.


Oh, and while I keep thinking more and more that Jin may be alive, I think the idea of a camera in the tombstone type thing is a little far fetched, even for Lost. IMHO. But, when you listen to the words Sun says at the gravestone, they don't preclude his death OR his life. It could go either way. **** writers. :) But, I think there's a good case for Jin being alive back on the island, that the something crazy thats going to happen to get anyone off the island meant that only she could go to keep herself and the baby alive without Jin.

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Oh that's a thought. At first I was thinking it might be Sawyer's and Kate's and that was why Jake didn't want to see the baby. But when Kate said Aaron, I knew who's baby it was, but was still left wondering why she had the baby and not Claire.


I didn't see the episodes that showed they were brother and sister, just caught that tidbit somewhere. Sure would like to view it now though. I love the ability of watching them on the computer in case I miss it or program the WRONG channel in like I did last week. UGH! LOL :)

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