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Is Rod and Staff English as rigorous as Analytical Grammar?


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and recently switched to AG (looking for something secular). I think the explanations of the parts of speech are MUCH better in R&S.


My kids are having trouble with AG and I'm only in the second unit. I'm having trouble and having to enhance the explanations in AG. I'm giving it more time and hoping it will get better and easier. My kids loved diagramming in RS and that is starting in the next few units of AG.




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I wouldn't consider AG rigorous. It is good for reviewing in middle after they have finished elementary grammar courses. I can't imagine using it as advertised (as the sole source of grammar instruction).


I disagree. We're using JAG now and it's very rigorous. I did a lot of comparison shopping before and came to the conclusion that Rod and Staff and Analytical Grammar are about the same in rigor. I opted for JAG and it's amazing.


I've also leafed through AG and it is even harder than JAG (as one would expect).


If you already have R&S and you're ok with the Christian slant, then it's a good choice for rigor. But it is by no means the best or the most rigorous.

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I have used RS Eng. from 2 to 7 with my kids. I stop using RS 7 midway last Jan. 2009 to work on AG with ds. I thought AG is easier to implement because of its workbook style but somewhere along unit 2, ds was not getting it anymore. Ds complained that he'd rather go back to RS Eng. 7 and that is what we are doing right now. I prefer RS Eng. explanations although ds learned a bit too from AG. His recent CA STAR language arts didn't suffer; in fact, he went up a good percentage from last year.


In short, I think RS7 is more thorough and rigorous, and I personally prefer to use it than AG.

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