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Who uses k12 via charter school?

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We've used it for 5th and now 6th grades. I generally like it.


History is acceptable (esp. Am. history [5th & 8th grades here] - which used Hakim, which we were using anyway.) We're using their world history now. It's complementing the foundation she had in early grades with TWTM, so no complaints on that yet, either.


Science, we like. I've been very happy with literature choices, and the vocabulary series they use is one I would have selected on my own (Vocab from Classical Roots for 6th and up).


A major weakness is grammar - I think she's actually regressed in knowledge! Rod and Staff is a much more rigorous program.


I didn't start out liking the math program. We were just about to switch her from Singapore (which was not going well) to Saxon (with which we had a good experience with older dd) when we started , but K12 uses Sadler-Oxford. Dd has made phenomenal progress (the lessons seemed paced just right for her), so I'm a believer now. :)


If you have any specific questions, feel free to pm me!

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My ds is enrolled in a k12 charter school for most of the past 3 years. Yes I love the curriculum so far except for the music which, being musically challenged, I find difficult to use. I think the curriculum is fairly rigorous and classical IMHO. I also think that so far we have had enough flexibility to explore other things as well such as Singapore Math even though I love the K12 math so far:)


One thing that makes some users of K12 crazy is that each lesson supplies many activities in order to meet the learning the objectives. If you child masters the activities easily then you can usually just skip ahead to the assessment.

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My kids are enrolled in WAVA, which uses K12. I LOVE it! I've written many posts about my opinion of K12. If you are inclined to read them you can search for "all posts" under my name. I haven't used it for very long, but long enough to get through the honey moon stage, and I still LOVE it.


I have a different experience with the grammar in that we were using R&S, and though I liked that we were making some progress, we made more progress with K12. My oldest dd's standardized scores for 4th grade were way higher than her 3rd grade scores, and I attribute that to the K12 curriculum.

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My ds is enrolled in AR VA using K12. I like it a lot. I hate the music, although when I try to follow it things do fall into place. I'm musically stupid though...LOL I have ds in piano and I figure that is good enough.


I think it is a very strong program overall.


Oh ds is 9 and this is our 4th year using K12 through a VA.

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