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For anyone who is using WWE without the SM . . .


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Do you have an outline of what specific narratives you are using? I have two using WWE year 1/2 and I have the most difficult time coming up with narratives to use! I personally *hate* Lewis Carroll,so although I know that SWB uses a lot of snippets of thhis, I have a hard time working with it. And, since I didn't buy the SM, I need to come up with pieces on my own. So, do any of you who have been this route have suggestions? We have a great home library with all the classics--it's just figuring out what to use with this age level. Thanks in advance!



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Do you have an outline of what specific narratives you are using? I have two using WWE year 1/2 and I have the most difficult time coming up with narratives to use! I personally *hate* Lewis Carroll,so although I know that SWB uses a lot of snippets of thhis, I have a hard time working with it. And, since I didn't buy the SM, I need to come up with pieces on my own. So, do any of you who have been this route have suggestions? We have a great home library with all the classics--it's just figuring out what to use with this age level. Thanks in advance!




I just grab whatever history/science/literature books we have out from the library this week. I quickly flip through for selections that basically meet the criteria for today's assignment.

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We've done 7 weeks of WWE 1, here's what we've used so far:

Little House in the Big Woods

Charlotte's Web

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Alie's Adventures in Wonderland (;) sorry, I know you said you didn't like this one)

Secret Garden

The Wizard of Oz

Aesop's Fables


Here is a list of books I have in mind for future weeks:



Little House series (any)

Narnia series (any)

The Adventures of Pinocchio

Fairy Tales: The Frog Prince, Rumplestiltkin ...

Mary Poppins

Peter Rabbit

The Trumpet of the Swan


Tom Sawyer

The Velveteen Rabbit

A Christmas Carol

Charlie & the Charlie Factory

Iliad & Odyssey

Jungle Book

Where the Sidewalk Ends

The Littles

Little Britches series

Swiss Family Robinson

Stuart Little

A Wrinkle in Time


Caddie Woodlawn

Ann of Green Gables

The Hobbit

Little Women

Where the Red Fern Grows

The Black Stallion

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH


My husband and I are kind of book-aholics, so we actually have most of these books :tongue_smilie:


But if we get through these -- or just want something different, I will use this list here. It is a great list of books.



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Thanks for the lists. I guess what stresses me out about these (most of which we have) is that I find it difficult to just pick up a book, open to a good section, and go. Maybe it's because it almost feels "wrong" to extract/excise (both words which describe exactly how I feel!) a very small portion of a book. I pick a section and then think that it's too short and requires more explanation, or that it is too much out of context, or that it's just plain mean to not continue with the story! So maybe it's not that I *can't* find any passages, it's just that it's emotionally difficult to find passages (which implies that I need psychological help, LOL).



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Thanks for the lists. I guess what stresses me out about these (most of which we have) is that I find it difficult to just pick up a book, open to a good section, and go. Maybe it's because it almost feels "wrong" to extract/excise (both words which describe exactly how I feel!) a very small portion of a book. I pick a section and then think that it's too short and requires more explanation, or that it is too much out of context, or that it's just plain mean to not continue with the story! So maybe it's not that I *can't* find any passages, it's just that it's emotionally difficult to find passages (which implies that I need psychological help, LOL).





LOL :lol: Sometimes I think I need help too!


It helps that I've read all the books I pick passages from -- I kind of am thinking of a specific section when I dig out the book. Like for the Wizard of Oz I read from the section with Dorothy and the house being lifted in the tornado and the section when they are walking through the field of poppies.


I don't have advice for finding the shorter passages. I too have a hard time picking short sections -- but thankfully my ds is a good listener and can answer questions from longer readings. I have read aloud to him and asked him questions afterward since he was very little -- so he has lots and lots of practice. The nice thing about using WWE without the workbook is that you can custom tailor the program to exactly what you need. So if you can't do short sections, don't. It has never hurt a child to listen to his mom read. ;) Also, if you do something like Aesop's Fables, you can read each fable in its entirety -- they are short and there are lots to choose from definitely enough to last through the year. (Or poetry would work this way too.) Here is a link that has the text to more than 655 fables (according the the site's intro).


On the plus side -- the books that we used so far that had not been read before hand are now on the list for next to read aloud. They have garnered a lot of interest!

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One book that we found very easy to use for numerous assignments was The Aesop for Children, illustrated by Milo Winter. The stories were short enough so that I wouldn't lose my younger son, great for finding main points and learning to condense, and had lots of grammar components (proper names, quotes, etc.). This helped me out a lot when I didn't have the time to look through some other books for certain things to use for dictation/copywork. One of my boys especially enjoyed drawing some illustrations of all the animals to go with this copywork.

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Thanks for the lists. I guess what stresses me out about these (most of which we have) is that I find it difficult to just pick up a book, open to a good section, and go. Maybe it's because it almost feels "wrong" to extract/excise (both words which describe exactly how I feel!) a very small portion of a book. I pick a section and then think that it's too short and requires more explanation, or that it is too much out of context, or that it's just plain mean to not continue with the story! So maybe it's not that I *can't* find any passages, it's just that it's emotionally difficult to find passages (which implies that I need psychological help, LOL).




Here's your psych help...it's not wrong to take out a section of a book to use for language arts study! LOL. And, just use sections of books your kids have already read - that's what I do most of the time (but that's because I leave the stack of library books for them to browse through during their reading times - chances are they have already read them when I grab-n-go).

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Honestly, this is why I bought the student book. With everything else I am doing to school 4 kids, I could not add stressing out over narrations to my list. We just would never do it. So, I gave in and ordered the workbook and I have to say, it is one of my better decisions! It's so easy.... I know this doesn't help much!

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It feels so much better (yes, psychologically!) to be able to take a finished story and use that instead of pulling a narrative out of a larger work! And it gives me more for my kids to practice reading! Thanks so much.



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