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Artistic Pursuits?


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We like the middle school drawing one. It is a doing book with a little art appreciation in it. It is very easy to use. It teaches the same things my college drawing class did. It doesn't push a particular style but lets the child develope their own style. It includes how to use art in your own life, something I've seen my children do. They pick up a pencil to entertain themselves, explain something to someone, solve problems, to do science assignments or literature assignments, or create a piece of artwork. It showed them how to go through a process very like the writing process in order to make a work of art. I thought it was well done. I especially liked that it was so easy to use. I have other drawing books, like Drawing with Children and Drawing on the Right Side (Left Side?) of the Brain, but they weren't chopped into daily segments. I don't know what the lower grades are like. My children used Draw Squad in elementary school.


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I am using Jr High and Intermediate. They are very hands on and doing. An artist is featured per unit and there is some art appreciation. I wanted more art appreciation and picture study material, so I added some books.


Are the art packs worth it? I did not purchase one. I called and spoke with the author. She told me what materials were needed when. I mostly needed drawing paper, pencils, and erasers for all of first semester. I got those for a reasonable price at Hobby Lobby. We needed some scratch art for my intermediate and again, I got that at Hobby Lobby. I would say, if you have a Hobby Lobby or Michaels nearby and don't mind picking the things up as you go, then you probably don't need to purchase the kit. If however, you do not have a hobby store nearby and/or you want the convenience of having all your supplies in a box ready, then buy it.


It is a great program. Art was a struggle for me and this is my favorite program for ease of us and quality instruction.

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I did find their website and got a better idea of what is in these books. Are the supply packs worth the price?


I bought Book 1 for my 5th and 2nd graders, then went and bought all of the suggested supplies at Hobby Lobby. After that trip (it took a long time figuring out which items to get and cost more than the supply pack listed) I wished I had just ordered the supply pack.


We have a hard time getting around to art so we've only used it a bit but from my art background I really like the program. :thumbup:

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