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Why begin Latin before 4th grade?


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And for the children to get to go ''deep'' in Latin in junior high and high school. Starting in 2nd or 3rd grade is great because it coincides with their grammar studies and really cements grammar concepts such as parts of speech, sentences patterns. Latin gives children a headstart in truly ''understanding'' English grammar.


I think Latin teaches great logic skills as children advance in Latin and particularly as they translate sentences.


Another great reason that we like to start Latin in the early elementary grades is that we think it is a vocabulary enhancer. Especially for kids who read far ahead of standard grade levels, Latin gives them one more tool, in addition to context to figure out what unfamiliar words mean. Along the same lines, there are many Latin phrases and quotes in books that children encounter - or in their study of U.S. history. When they learn these in Latin, they have a better grasp and memory when they see them again in books and history studies.


I started Latin about 5-6 years ago because of WTM and my research into homeschooling convincing me it was the ''right thing to do'' - I did it dragging my feet and complaining. But it has turned out to be a great benefit to their education for my dtrs.




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