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X-posted: Ask Dr. Callahan vs. Videotext Algebra


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I've spent hours poring over previous threads, but still haven't quite found the right answer. I would really welcome some advice.


My 8th grade daughter has always been very good at math. She breezed through Lial's Basic College Math with zero help from me. Now she's starting Algebra I.


I purchased Ask. Dr. Callahan's program, which uses Jacobs Elementary Algebra. Since then, I've read some reviews that have made me wonder if I made a mistake. She likes it fine so far, but she's only about ten lessons in, so the material isn't really challenging enough to form a useful assessment. After the money I spent, I wouldn't even be questioning it but for the fact that I recently inherited a brand new set of Videotext module A. I've read some wonderful things about VT, but it seems that every positive review states how good it is for kids who hate math, or people who aren't "math-minded". My daughter is excellent at math, and will likely pursue a math-centric college major.


So I'm looking for opinions on Callahan/Jacobs vs. Videotext for a girl who actually loves and excels at math.




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My experience is that Video Text is quite challenging. Your daughter would be working on some hard Algebra 2 problems even in the lower modules. I think the fact that it is explained so well is a big help to those who may struggle with math or not like math. If she breezed through Lial's BCM she should be able to do VT independently as well. Don't skip over the Pre-Algebra part. There's terminology and other important info that isn't covered in Lials.

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Thanks for the responses. Happymom, your insight was especially helpful. We love the Jacob's book, but are kind of "meh" about the Callahan videos. Unfortunately, dd already knows more about math than I do, so I really need something self-instructional. When the Videotext module A fell into our laps, it certainly piqued our interest. I think perhaps we'll start the Videotext, while still using the Jacob's text for the cool cartoons, extra explanation, and set iv fun-challenge problems. By the time she finishes module A in Videotext, we should have definitely be able to decide. Does that seem sound to you all?

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