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Starting a 3rd grader in WWE


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Depends on her skill level. I am starting my 4th grader with the level 3 WWE workbook because she needs to work on the skills at that level. I'm working two "days" of the workbook into each day we do this, so we are going through 2 "weeks" each school week because it's working and I hope to get through both level 3 and 4 workbooks this year. The level 4 workbook is due out in January.


I'm not sure if they still have a sample of the level 3 workbook available on the site or not, now that the workbook is out, but I actually found those very helpful in determining placement. I had thought, based on the text, that I would need to work on dictation at a level 2 intensively to get her up to level 3, but she's handling the level 3 work.


If you can get your hands on the text (I checked it out from the library), you can look at the details for each level. There's an evaluation at the end of each section plus a few lessons at each level.


Can't help with FLL, I'm afraid. We tried the first one when my daughter was in 1st grade but the style didn't work for us. I have been quite pleased with the grammar reinforcement in the WWE workbook, however.

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Not sure if my experience is of help, but I started my 2nd grader on FLL this year at level 1. That's a tough with a 3rd grader though. If she has already had grammar, I would think she would be bored with the first level. We are on lesson 55 and so far have covered nouns (common and proper), pronouns and are doing action verbs. We have been able to speed through it pretty fast. I'm waiting on the text for WWE from the library, but I plan to start WWE 2 once we reach the second level and have him caught up by 3rd grade. I would try to get a copy of the text from the library and start both at the same level based on the evaluation.

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My third grader started WWE this year and we're still figuring out where he should be. He has caught onto narration quite well, but his dictation skills are lacking. He cannot write from dictation a long sentence followed by a short sentence. So, my plan is to work through every other week of Level 2 with him and then start him in Level 3. If his dictation catches up sooner I'll go to level 3 sooner. I can see it has already been helping him in the couple weeks that we've been using it, to do the sentence as copy work one day, then dictation the next. I don't know if Level 3 does that or not???

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My third grader started WWE this year and we're still figuring out where he should be. He has caught onto narration quite well, but his dictation skills are lacking. He cannot write from dictation a long sentence followed by a short sentence. So, my plan is to work through every other week of Level 2 with him and then start him in Level 3. If his dictation catches up sooner I'll go to level 3 sooner. I can see it has already been helping him in the couple weeks that we've been using it, to do the sentence as copy work one day, then dictation the next. I don't know if Level 3 does that or not???


There's no copywork in level 3. The first day is read a selection and then use guided questions to help the child do a succinct narration (3 or so sentences). You write out the narration and dictate one or two of the sentences to the child from her own narration. The next day is a dictation from another passage.

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