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Let's Play Possible Questions . . .

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Okay - first interview in a LONG time for a part time position that relates directly to part of what I used to do a LONG time ago. Resume complete and up-to-date. What kinds of questions do you think I ought to expect? Experience-based (they have that in the paperwork)? More philosophical-type questions (how would you handle this or that situation)? Something else?

(My background is library - both public and technical services; position is in public library. Am a patron there so already "known" in that regard. Also, due to some circumstances [nothing bad - e.g., homeschooler and previous group leader, mom to cancer survivor, etc.] am possibly "known" by more people than I realize . . . so reputation may precede me . . .)

As an aside, I am quite at peace about this - whether I get the job or not, so I do not feel nervous, etc., about the interview.

So what possible questions does the Hive think I should be prepared for?


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Wow! These are great questions! After reading the first person's response - especially what do you have to offer - I walked away from the computer and thought and thought on that one question while I did some ironing. I think I finally have an acceptable, truthful answer that suits me . . .


Why do you want to re-enter the work force - I have good working ideas on this one. And I can answer whether I plan to stay awhile.


Greatest weakness. Hmmm. Related to outside employment, I think I have an answer. In general, we just won't go there as I fear the list would be endless!


Greatest strength. Again, related to this job, I can think of two things, but one sounds dopey to me and the other is no longer time-tested . . .


Where I see myself in five years - I have ideas of what I wish to have accomplished or be in-process of accomplishing but not sure it would fly as it's not completely relevant to this position.


Why I want the job? Why I feel they should hire me? Stumped. Tee-totally stumped! With some tweaking, my answer to what do you have to offer may work with the second question. But why - as another poster said, you can't exactly put the pay check in the number one spot! And I wouldn't want to even though it's an obvious consideration . . .


I will think further on these and run some thoughts past dh tomorrow - he won't have any qualms about voicing his opinion!


Any other ideas are most welcome! I plan to finish thinking things through tomorrow, then resting my mind from it. I'll take Friday as it comes, go in prepared, and leave the results in God's capable hands.


Thanks, again! You guys are terrific!

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Thinking of interviews I've done as interviewee as well as interviewer . . .


Give me an example of a stressful situation you have been in.

How would you deal with a hard to handle customer?

What do you consider to be a good attendance record?


Use 1-3 adjectives to describe yourself.

What part of the job are you most intrigued by? Is there a part of the job that you think you might struggle with?


Describe how you manage your time when you have conflicting demands.

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I am simply blown away by the great responses people on this board have to any question!


I am looking over the latest posters list of questions (Sebastian). The first three (stressful situation; dealing with a difficult person; what I consider a good work record) and the last question (how I manage time when there are conflicting demands) - are q's I can answer, fairly well, I think. The remaining three (1-3 adjectives to describe myself; which part of job most intriguing; part of job I might struggle with) - now those are hard!


If you all smell smoke today, you'll know my brain burned out from thinking so hard!!!:D


Seriously, I appreciate ALL the responses very much. I feel like I will be going in as prepared as I can possibly be - thanks to you all!

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Had the interview today - it went well, I think. Some of the questions you all posed came up in one form or another, so I was VERY glad I posted and you responded!!!


Gotta tell you, though, I was thrown by two questions, and one was one that I should have thought of! The very first question was for me to reiterate my experience, even though she prefaced it by expressing appreciation that I had given a thorough resume! I absolutely did not expect to have to verbally rehash what was already in writing. :glare:


The other question that I should have thought of was what type books I like to read!:001_huh: I am doing the Hive 52-challenge this year (even though I have always loved to read), and I went almost blank when she asked.:confused: Thankfully, some memory kicked in and I think my answer was fairly well-rounded . . . I think . . .


Other than those two questions, the others fit in to most of the questions you posed - why I wanted the job, why now, what did I have to offer, stressful situations, difficult patrons, strengths . . . There were also some questions about computer literacy.


The only fly in the ointment that I can see is the scheduling - there is no variance on it, and I will have a dozen days during the next eight months that I would either not be able to work or would have to trade due to ds's chemotherapy schedule. I got the distinct impression that I am still in the running, though, and am planning to check this week if there is any way ds's schedule can move to a different day those particular weeks. She said to please let her know as they will not be making a decision until late next week.


So, let me turn this update into a prayer request for those of you who are so inclined . . . that God's will is done. I truly would like to re-enter the work force (and it is also a need - many medical bills), but God knows the future and knows whether this is a good fit for me at this time, so I am at peace either way . . . at least so far :D


9-29-09 - ETA: Ds's chemo schedule may not be changed . . . The reasons are more technical rather than the actual chemo . . . so I am at peace if this eliminates me from consideration.

Also ETA: Updated the title of the main thread.

Edited by eaglei
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