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Re-writing the preamble to the Declaration of Independence


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My 16 (almost 17) year old son was given the assignment to rewrite the preamble to the Declaration of Independence in his own words for his US government class.


I just wanted to share his version. I didn't even know he knew some of these words but he constantly surprises me with his philosophical speak.;)


Our people have reached the point in their history at which it is their God-given authority to undo the established political order. It is only fair that they should state the purpose of their revolution.


Natural law, undeniably written on the hearts of all people by God, forbids any person to take the life, to suppress the liberty, or to restrain from joy the soul of any other human being. The people, in order to protect themselves from such recalcitrance to natural law, establish and empower their civil servants, whom they call the government. When the servants defeat their own purpose by transgressing the people's natural rights, they are at the mercy of their masters, the people.


The gravity of altering a historically entrenched form of government must be met not with trivial dissatisfaction, but rather with the obligation to relieve the people from domination. People more likely uphold tradition, even if it grieves them, than rightfully disestablish their society's pervasive oppression.


Contrary to their historical path-dependence, the people are compelled to arise against an oligarchy when, at the climax of a conquest for authority, their autocratic overlords engineer a magisterial masterpiece and use hegemony to vanquish the people's rights. Following their rulers' collapse, the people must institute custodians to secure their rights and to thwart any future ventures into political supremacy.


Currently in such tribulation, these Colonies thus now have reached the limit of their forbearance and must ignite a revolution for the freedom of the people.


Great Britain's current king has, since ages ago and until now, served these colonies uncommonly generous helpings of persecution. All his vices have had the sole purpose of contributing to his crusade against justice and propelling him to victory wherein he has trampled the States' freedom.


Following are our warrants, void of pretense, to oppose the king.


I think he's got a pretty good grasp of it.:)

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I remember when he wrote you that apology letter that had all those really long words in it! I loved it!


And this time, he did a really great job too!


:lol: Oh gosh! That one was a classic wasn't it? I don't think this kid has ever had a simple thought. I rarely even know what he's talking about.:lol:


Here's a line from something else he wrote this week having to do with his debate experience:


My task is to overcome my laziness, because an oasis will whither away to the barrenness of the golden sea without diligent irrigation.


I read it and said, "What in the world?" He said, "What mom? That's exactly how I feel."


He's too deep for my simple little pea brain.;)

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