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Is this SWB's top writing recommedation for 4th-12th?


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Maybe I'm late, but I just found this:




In this article, SWB outlines a path to teach writing using various combinations of Wordsmith, Writing Strands, and IEW or just Wordsmith and Writing Strands. I'm wondering if the alternative not to use IEW is cost related??


Is this the 'ultimate' recommendation?


I'm simply at the point where I must really decide! I have The Well Trained Mind, but not the revised edition. Should I buy the revised?





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The program will go all the way through high school, I believe. The description on the PHP site says that the first volume is "for elementary-aged writers and for older students who still struggle." I'm not sure if that would fit your dc, but I bet if you contacted the folks at PHP, they would be able to give you more information. :)

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Maybe I'm late, but I just found this:




In this article, SWB outlines a path to teach writing using various combinations of Wordsmith, Writing Strands, and IEW or just Wordsmith and Writing Strands. I'm wondering if the alternative not to use IEW is cost related??


Is this the 'ultimate' recommendation?


I'm simply at the point where I must really decide! I have The Well Trained Mind, but not the revised edition. Should I buy the revised?






That's an old article, and I believe written before the revised version of WTM. The revised version of WTM recommends R&S books 3 to 10 (3rd grade to high school level) for grammar and writing. It also recommends IEW and Writing Strands as other writing options if you are using a separate grammar program. The revised WTM plus SWB's Writing Without Fear CD also give instruction on narrations, dictation/copywork, outlining, and writing from outlines.


SWB's new writing book is due out around June (?), and it's geared for grammar stage students. She is working on logic and rhetoric stage books for her writing series, but doesn't have publication dates for those yet. I think this series is meant to replace former WTM writing recs, but since it's not complete yet, the WTM recs are still perfectly good (SWB told me so when I asked here on the boards about her logic stage book! :))


You could have a look at the grammar stage book to see if it would be useful for your kids or if they are beyond it. If they are beyond, go with the revised WTM recs.

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That's an old article, and I believe written before the revised version of WTM. The revised version of WTM recommends R&S books 3 to 10 (3rd grade to high school level) for grammar and writing. It also recommends IEW and Writing Strands as other writing options if you are using a separate grammar program. The revised WTM plus SWB's Writing Without Fear CD also give instruction on narrations, dictation/copywork, outlining, and writing from outlines.




I'm surprised that just R&S will do! I am using R&S. What does the Hive say? Can I really just use this?


I do have the writing without fear CD. Guess it's time to get it out again.



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I have the revised edition of WTM and I believe it recommends a writing program alongside R&S grammar, starting in 3rd grade. This is what we do and I do think the additional writing program is necessary, as R&S doesn't have that much included.


I'll have a 5th grader next year and we will be using Writing Strands at home, and a bit of IEW (in a co-op setting only). We will continue R&S grammar too.


Hope this helps...I do have the WTM right here on my shelf and could look more carefully if you're interested...

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I have the revised edition of WTM and I believe it recommends a writing program alongside R&S grammar, starting in 3rd grade. This is what we do and I do think the additional writing program is necessary, as R&S doesn't have that much included.


I'll have a 5th grader next year and we will be using Writing Strands at home, and a bit of IEW (in a co-op setting only). We will continue R&S grammar too.


Hope this helps...I do have the WTM right here on my shelf and could look more carefully if you're interested...




Thanks! I am interested, only a little bit afraid that I should just buy the book. Possibly SWB wouldn't like her recommendations being passed for free. I am so cheap! I guess I'll just push that Amazon button!





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Not trying to be argumentative, but I believe Colleen in NS is right about the revised WTM suggesting that R & S is all you need for grammar and writing. That's all I've been using from 3rd to 6th grade so far because of the recommendation.


That being said, I am looking into a separate writing program for my dd for grade 7, but only because I think she needs some different instruction in writing--different from what we've been getting in R & S. She writes really well already, but is struggling some with the writing assignments in Rod and Staff, so I thought we'd do something different to see if it helped her.

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Not trying to be argumentative, but I believe Colleen in NS is right about the revised WTM suggesting that R & S is all you need for grammar and writing. That's all I've been using from 3rd to 6th grade so far because of the recommendation.


That being said, I am looking into a separate writing program for my dd for grade 7, but only because I think she needs some different instruction in writing--different from what we've been getting in R & S. She writes really well already, but is struggling some with the writing assignments in Rod and Staff, so I thought we'd do something different to see if it helped her.


I'll clarify what I said. The revised WTM says that R&S for writing, combined with the methods for copywork/dictation, narration, outlining, and writing from outlines (as described in WTM and the writing CD), ARE a complete writing program. (Of course, then in high school you get into the rhetoric writing books and some other stuff along with R&S)


However, some people choose to use R&S only for grammar (leaving out the writing lessons), and use a different writing program.


My understanding of SWB's new writing book series is that it replaces all the writing program recs in WTM.


Penny, my oldest is going into 5th grade, too. I don't think the logic book of SWB's writing series will be out anytime soon (Oh, how I wish it was!!!!), so I'm going with the revised WTM recs of R&S for grammar AND writing, along with the technique recs on her writing CD. My understanding is that this IS complete. :)


You know, you might just want to buy that revised WTM version - I can't remember what the old one had in it for other subjects, but I do think that the revised version is clearer. And dig out your writing CD - take extensive notes - it's really VERY helpful! I took notes and retyped it all up for myself, so I'd know what I was doing! Also, you can go to the peace hill press site and read SWB's two chapters from the grammar stage writing book - it has an essay that sums up the writing CD (meaning, all of the stages, not just grammar). But still, listen and take notes on the CD. :)


Hope this makes sense. :)

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You know, you might just want to buy that revised WTM version - I can't remember what the old one had in it for other subjects, but I do think that the revised version is clearer. And dig out your writing CD - take extensive notes - it's really VERY helpful! I took notes and retyped it all up for myself, so I'd know what I was doing! Also, you can go to the peace hill press site and read SWB's two chapters from the grammar stage writing book - it has an essay that sums up the writing CD (meaning, all of the stages, not just grammar). But still, listen and take notes on the CD. :)


Hope this makes sense. :)




Thank you for taking the time to write this. It really does help. I'll buy the new book, and listen/take notes from that CD. Great advice!





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