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Saxon DIVE v. Saxon Math Tutor?

Joy at Home

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v. Saxon Teacher


I use Saxon Teacher.

The student doesn't, but it helps me to watch her do the problems and then I can do my Sneaky Socratic-type Questioning of the student until he figures out what he is supposed to do


I don't "teach" Saxon and I don't "help" the student except in a rare instance where I do that "questioning" type of 'help' as above.

And for that, I like the Saxon Teacher.


Most of the time for me it's a case of:

Is your setup correct up front?

What are they asking for?

What lesson (#) does this problem refer you to?

What is your formula for _____ ?

How did you get _____ to use there?


But, I'm always good for a vote of Saxon Teacher.


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\I don't "teach" Saxon and I don't "help" the student except in a rare instance where I do that "questioning" type of 'help' as above.

And for that, I like the Saxon Teacher.:seeya:


Hmmm. That's very good. I am not familiar with Saxon Teacher, but I do need to start incorporating more of hte socratic method into my math teaching. Thanks.


My oldest Saxon student uses the DIVE CD for Algebra I. She *loves* it. She basically plays the daily lesson, pauses while she works on the problems, and continues along with the teacher. Her instructional time each day averages 15 minutes. I have not had to do any additional teaching yet. She consistently scores above 90%, but then she always was a strong math student.



Edited by Jane
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Art Reed is much better than DIVE or Saxon Teacher? TIA :D


Yes, becasue you are getting a live teacher in front of a board teaching the concept for each lesson verses a white board only with DIVE or Saxon teacher. The lessons are @ 10-15 minutes long and my math phobic Dd told me she finally gets it! Also, these DVD's are only $50 per grade, which is a deal.

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Yes, becasue you are getting a live teacher in front of a board teaching the concept for each lesson verses a white board only with DIVE or Saxon teacher.


Better is in the eye of the beholder.

A moving person, talking head could be a real distraction for some students.

Some prefer just the voiceover.

Others (like mine) prefer just the printed book.


Something to think about. ;)



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For the upper grades there is this alternative too : http://homeschoolwithsaxon.com/onlinevideo.php


We are using it this year with Alg 1/2 and Adv. Math and so far we really like the way he teaches and the kids are understanding the lessons much better.


I really liked this much better than the DIVE & Saxon Teacher presentations!! (Too bad they didn't have the lower grades done as well...)

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Can you compare them?


What would you say to this review of Saxon Alg. 2 Teacher?





I haven't used Saxon Teacher. I purchased it but sold it to buy the Art reed DVDs. My kids have used DIVE, and did not like them, so they didn't use them often. I think the kids said the DIVE didn't explain things well or maybe it was just my kdis didn't understand them well enough? But the DVDs ended up being unused.


I think his review is well done though.

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