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Need help and ideas...Something not right


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I have this feeling that things just are not "right". DD 8 1/2 has social issues. She really doesn't have any friends. She wants to be in charge, she is bossy and controlling with peers. I don't think she "gets it" when they don't want to play whatever game she has thought up. Also, she thinks everyone hates her and everyone gives her dirty looks, etc. Over the years when she has made a friend it is the bad boy in the class or someone that she can control 100%. Not healthy relationships. She is very upset that she has no friends but seems unable or unwilling to do what is necessary to keep a friend.


Also, she is very uncoordinated, falls, spills drinks, seems unaware of where her body is in space.


Also, has some hearing issues. Passes hearing test yet cannot hear well. ie. cannot tell the difference between back and black. Just today, I said space and she heard face. Needless, to say she is more of a sight reader since phonics are basically impossible when you can't hear those subtle sounds. She is an advanced reader and has an excellent memory which is the only reason she can learn to spell. Without the phonics she has to just memorize the words.


She is also difficult to focus. VERY slow with work as she stares, and talks about whatever, etc.


We have done IQ and achievement testing. Going to do a screening for Auditory Processing with psychologist next to see if it is worth trying to get a referral for appt. with audiologist. Beyond this, I don't know where to go, what to try, or whether to bother. I have read a million books, and am at the point where everything sounds like her...I might be losing it! LOL


Any ideas? Thanks.

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I would also look at Sensory Processing Disorder. (Maybe you've read a book on that, too? The Out Of Sync Child is a great one) She sounds like she does have SPD and also Auditory Processing Disorder. It can be hard for SPD kids to make friends. Some consider it on the autism spectrum, even.


My son has SPD. He doesn't seem to have trouble making friends, however, he can sometimes be socially awkward. I have seen him hitting a friend's behind when he disapproves and other things that he doesn't quite seem to get. My son is a "sensory seeker" and he comes across as being ADHD. He also has ZERO impulse control. He has done everything from crawl out on the roof, run off to the park alone, and touch a hot burner on the stove while I was upstairs changing the baby. And that's just the stuff this summer.

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I was going to suggest Auditory Processing testing, have you read the book, "What the Brain Can't Hear"? I"d HIGHLY recommend picking it up. There are forms of APD that distort how a person hears things - thinking that someone is always putting you down or speaking meanly (the author suffers from this type).


Have you seen this list? http://www.hslda.org/strugglinglearner/sn_auditory.asp


My DD has almost ALL of these issues, having this concrete of a list gave the audiologist a starting place with my concerns. HIs testing echo'd an across the board APD problem, with significant delays.


Which also ties into her SPD.... so i agree on reading the Out of Sync CHild too.



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I would ask for PT an OT evals. My son's OT worked with him a great deal on the body in space issues. Interestingly so has his vision therapist. His vision therapist has been working with his issues of poor convergance and poor tracking - which has also effected his physical movement. He wasn't seeing depth very well either. A physical therapist can rule out clumsiness due to other issues like a poor walking gait.

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I am reading When The Brain Can't Hear right now. Along with several other books! LOL APD does sound like her.


I am having trouble finding an audiologist. I called one that supposedly specializes in APD. The hateful receptionist INFORMED me that rarely does a child have this, it is almost always something else. AND they would not see us anyway without other testing first. However, she wouldn't tell me what kind of testing they would want. So, that leaves me going to the city 2 1/2 hours away instead of 45 minutes away b/c I don't think this office is where I want to go now.


Tomorrow, our psychologist will do the APD screening. I have also emailed her and suggested we talk about SPD. I am so confused. Some days the kid seems so "normal" and then I remember she has no friends, etc. so clearly something isn't right.


When you all got appts with the audiologist what did they want? Did you have to have other tests done before the appt.?


Thank you for your help!

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Me again. SPD symptoms that she can relate to...


-hypersensitivity to sounds

-distracted by some background noises

-speak in loud voice

-fail to respond to name being called

-aversion to touch sensations (hugs, etc)

-exteme sensitivity to clothing (tags, jeans, itchy, etc)

-Touches everything!

-picky eater

-overpowering reaction to smells

-unexppected falls

-falls to floor from chair for no reason (occasionally)

-bumps into people & things

-trouble learning to ride bike (finally learned, still unstable some)

-cling to support in crowds


-in bathroom alot

-hot or cold when everyone else in fine

-irregular sleep

-emotional intensity


The above are syptoms that fit her taken from "The Mislabeled Child"

The full list is much longer of course. But, this seems like a lot.

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This is my last reply/question today, I promise! I went to SPD website. Printed off the checklist. Here is my question, there are checklists for all the developmental things. She met or was ahead of schedule in all areas of development. Could she still possibly have SPD or would it be something else?

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UGH. My favorite ENT's office thought i was nuts for starting to ask for APD testing 3 years ago. I KNEW dd had it. And i was right!


Have you checked here for Audiologists?




On your SPD questions, for us the SPD and APD go together. My DD has a ton of the SPD stuff - again in all areas they check, which goes along with teh broad spectrum of the APD.... which has everyone BUT the developmental pediatrician wanting a neurological workup.


Keep plugging away at it, it's worth it.

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She can have SPD and/or APD and still have met her developmental milestones on time or ahead of schedule. I would be aggressive in getting her tested and treated. It sounds like she has several issues to me and the faster you start addressing them and peeling away the layers of the onion the sooner she will be as close to "normal" as possible and start getting to a place where she can make friends as well as improve in other areas. When she turns 18 you will not be able to make her get treatment if she does not want to so it is better to start sooner. (I didn't purposefully put those lines under the words, but don't know how to get rid of them).

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Our psychologist did the APD screening today. There were definate areas of concern and she is going to visit with the speech path. before writing report so we can get in to the audiologist. I am so relieved!!! Now we can get on down the road to dealing with some stuff. YEAH!!!!!


So, I am still wondering about SPD. Found some checklists and she has alot of the sypptoms. How do I go about getting a diagnosis for that? Should I just worry about the APD for the moment and see if that takes care of our issues? So many of the symptoms overlap that I'm thinking it might. A lot of the SPD symptoms are things that we could live with, but the APD stuff has GOT to be addressed.


Thanks again for all your input and help. I'll keep you posted...

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You need an eval by an OT that deals with kids/SPD.


Glad you got thru step one for the APD!!! And yes, a lot of it does overlap - for us it's a team effort, going on at the same time. She is getting 2 hours of private ST a week to help with language, and 1 of OT right now (will go to 2 when the OT has another opening that fits our schedule).

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Well, we are being sent paperwork from a hearing and speech center. Then we get put on a waiting list...I'm already tired of waiting. Hope the list isn't long, I was afraid to ask and just thankfull for the appointment. The testing takes 2 days then the consultation. Cost over $500 and they are not on our insurance, but this is the only place in the state that does the full APD testing. So...we will pay the bill and get the testing done.


I spent almost an hour on the phone calling all over the state. AND I have spent hours on the internet trying to figure out who to call in the first place. Anyone else experience this difficulty getting testing?

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