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What changes have you made with Bible study as your dc enters logic stage?


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It seems like up til now it's been mainly the story Bible types of study for us. Dd9 (almost 10-academically advanced) is definitely ready for more meat. (She did adult BSF work with me for a a year, but we don't have that option this year. It went great but was a LOT of work.)


Interested to see what others have done to get more into application, making connections, etc. as their dc go into logic stage. Not necessarily just curriculum, but anything you have done/are doing.


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This year with my 7th grader, we are continuing to read scripture daily. This is our third year doing this, and we simply began at Genesis and read 3 chapters each day. When we finish the NT next month, I will ask ds if he wants to begin at Genesis again, or if he wants to read the NT again. If he chooses NT, we will re-read it and then begin again at Genesis after that.


Additionally, I wanted to begin exposing him to protestant doctrine. We are going to do three of the books in the a series by Positive Action for Christ. The first one is titled Milk, and it covers the doctrine of salvation. The second one, Meat, covers Bibliology, Christology, Theology, Anthropology, Angels, Demons and Escatology. The third book, Bread, is a more in depth study of Christology. We are not doing the fourth book Fish. It is a "how to" for evangelism.

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