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I was just told on Friday that dd has to go wheat free for 6-8 weeks to see if there is any allergy. She was tested for celiac's but that was negative (IgAs were - and IgG was +). Doc told me to go wheat free and have her tested for any other allergies.


So my question.... What is the best source for wheat free recipes?


Thanks! Any ideas welcome.

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I am sure that google can help you.


We did wheat free for quite a while here. One thing I will say is KEY is to make sure you are TOTALLY wheat free. Wheat is hidden in many things that you would not think it was in ---lunch meat, many/most prepared foods, etc. Check labels very carefully.


Wheat free did not help here but it has made a huge difference for my friend's kids.

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We had to do this 2 years ago. We went wheat and dairy free. It can be a bit daunting at first. You MUST read labels. Gluten is in so many things - like soy sauce and vanilla. This can be a pretty steep learning curve depending on how you normally eat. Try buying some packaged things/mixes at first until you get the hang of it. Also, go to more "low carb" style eating. For example: dinner could be rice, chicken and veggies. There are a ton of wheat free/gluten free (and yes, there is a difference) breakfast cereals/mixes on the market today. PerkyOs is a favorite of my gf's celiac son. Watch sauces, salad dressings, etc.. too. It is more than just cutting out bread. If you start to use a bunch of rice based mixes or breads, be aware that they can be rather constipating (something about the lack of fiber). Be very careful about lunch meat or processed meats like sausage, they can contain wheat/gluten. Again, read labels! Some ideas for meals we did:


breakfast: eggs, fruit, meat

lunch: meat of some sort, tuna, veggie, fruit,

dinner: meat, rice, corn, potato, veggie.

snacks: yogurt, cheese, fruit, rice cakes (read labels)


You can get a good variety. Find brands you know are wheat/gluten free and buy only those products so there is no chance of "accidental eating". If you get lunch meat, make roll ups. Tacos (watch the seasoning) with corn tortillas are good. If you make your own bread, try Walrus bread. I've mad that for my gf many times. It is actually very good. Rice krispee treats homemade are fine, but the store bought have wheat.


Hang in there. It isn't so bad once you find what you can eat. Try going to the market alone the first time. It took me almost 2 hours to read all the labels!!

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Is her IgG relating to wheat or gluten? I would suggest you actually go gluten free rather than wheat free. Gluten is in wheat, barley, rye and maybe oats.


For the first week or so it is worth buying g-f stuff( there is heaps out there) later you will get the hang of it, and can start baking. I cannot make pizza bases, but I can now do everything else. It takes time to learn, get a g-f recipe book from the library. do not expect success overnight. Freeze you failures for breadcrumbs/biscuit base etc. G-f stuff is too expensive to waste.


Willow, mum to 2 coeliacs and an anaphylatic.

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