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Sorry if this has been hashed out before.. I did a search but didn't find anything.. Could be I was looking in the wrong forum :blushing:


I'm really curious what other homeschoolers days look like.. I have a 2 1/2 year old (who isn't schooled.. obviously :lol:) and a nearly 5 year old with which I am doing kindergarten with and an 8 year old who is in 3rd grade.


We school 5 days a week.. but not all day.. I'm always second guessing myself.. am I having them work long enough.. am I providing enough work in each area.. too much.. are my expectations to high.. too low..How often should we go out of the house to more socially oriented activities..


things like that..


Would you care to share what you do??



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When my children were that age we started around 8:30-9am and they took a morning break around 10:30. We were usually done by lunch or 1:00. After lunch we had a read and rest time where younger kids were in their room and older kids read on the couch for 1 hour. After that they did chores then play.


Our schedule went something like:


Bible story 10 min.

math 40 min.

read 30 min.

handwriting 15 min.


grammar, spelling, dictation 30 min.

history or science (alternate) 40 min.

narration 10 min.

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Okay, this might look weird to some people but this is how we do it.

(My boys are 9, 6 & 2)


We do one core subject a day. So our week looks like this:

Monday--Art and Art History

Tuesday--Creative Writing/History



Friday--Music lessons and library (and our catch-up day)

(Math lessons are done on Sunday afternoons)


Our daily schedule looks like this:

(Opener=question of the day)

8:30-9:30 Core subject

9:30-10--Math practice

10-10:30--snack and read aloud (We eat snack while I read from whichever book we're in the middle of. Right now we're in the middle of two plus Where the Sidewalk Ends)

10:30-11--Game of the day (this is an educational board game and we try to do one that goes along with the core subject that day)

11-11:30--Word puzzles/creative writing practice

11:30-12--exploration of the day


Question of the day is a question they will find in their "Question of the Day" folder. The answer is somewhere in the school room and it is up to them to figure out which resources would help them find the answer. They earn a sticker when they get the correct answer and the stickers add up to be exchanged for a prize.


Math practice, word puzzles and exploration of the day are also all in their folders and ready to go. They just open their folders and find what they are supposed to do. Word puzzles and creative writing practices are usually fun exercises. Although on Thursday we use that spot to study latin and greek words from their biology lessons.

The exploration of the day is usually some kind of activity to spark their interest in a topic.Sometimes it is an easy science experiement that they can conduct on their own. Right now we've been using that spot to study and make our own mummies.


We are done at noon, no matter what. If they have work to finish they have the option of finishing it or letting it carry over to Friday.

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Thank you! We usually start around 8:30 or 9.. and the 5 year old is done in an hour or so with me working with her.. We do the following..


OPGTR, 2 lessons (we are on the letters right now)

Math, 3-4 lessons.. they tend to be quick


Read Together (BOB Book usually)

Some phonic work..


Then she's done (usually begs for more but I encourage her to go play with her little brother)


I don't have any general idea of how long each subject takes for my oldest.. some days he can breeze through things.. other days he drags his feet..

Language Arts:

First Language Lessons level 3.. 1 lesson 3 times a week

WWE level 2.. 1 lesson per day

Then he has several different things he can work on alone.

Reading Comprehension in either Fiction or Non Fiction (Spectrum) 3 x weekly

Spectrum Language Arts 2 x weekly

Spelling (daily) Seplling Workout

Explode the code several pages 3x weekly to complete 1 unit a week

Wordly Wise, alternates with Explode the Code

Brain Quest LA sections.. 1 assignment daily


I'm going to add reading and writing strands towards the end of the month



Chicago Math, 1 lesson daily with all worksheets/activities..

1 Daily Math Practice Problem from Evan Moore workbook

Kumon Word Problems, 3 problems 3x weekly

Brain Quest math sections 1 lesson twice weekly



For both children

Science is once a week on Fridays

Health is once a week on Fridays

History (SOTW 1) is twice a week with enrichment activities on the other days.. reading books, crafts etc.

Art is every other week at home


They also participate in a music/art/gym coop once every other week

Lego club once a week

Karate 2-3 times a week



Not counting the out of home activities.. we are usually done by lunch..sometimes earlier if my oldest is really "on" that day...


Am I providing enough???

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We are done at noon, no matter what. If they have work to finish they have the option of finishing it or letting it carry over to Friday.


I like this ... as I usually keep Fridays a lighter day..less things formally planned.. Since we haven't started the coop or lego club yet.. I was worried that being out of the house would create chaos with the schedule..so I built in some breathing room..

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I have a first grader and a Kindergarten and a halfer (I call him that because he turned 5 in March, is reading at a first grade level, but is doing Kindergarten Math and his writing is atrocious, so we're not even working on that. He's writing, but whatever he comes up with is fine by me. His fine motor skills are still developing).


We start at 8:30 and cover Bible, Phonics, Reading, Math and Seatwork by about 10:15. They have a 45 minute snack time/ tv time and then we commence History/Science at 11:00 and are done by approximately 11:30.

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