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At what point is the past the past?

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I realize that the title is a little vague, but I have been wondering [there's a news bulletin!] When does a person's past become exactly that, the past? I am not the same person I was 20 years ago. I would hope that people wouldn't judge me too harshly for thoughts and actions from then.:tongue_smilie: I fully understand that actions have consequences that can last for a long time, but don't/can't people change?


I am thinking of this more in terms with people in the spotlight. Politics, media etc. I have just read two newspaper articles about politicians (neither of whom I know, or am affected by) whose past actions some way back are causing them grief now. I suppose in some ways it is to be expected, but it seems that there is no understanding for one's youth or stupidity at a particular point in time.


Just the musings of a very tired momma who would rather do just about anything than actual work today. ;)

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I think it depends on what's in the past. Murder? I don't know if you could ever out live that one. A politician who smoked some pot in college? Well, really, it was forever ago and he not a raging pot fiend now so what difference would it make?


I think it's difficult when someone is in the public eye because actions get pinned to people. "Oh, that's the guy who drove his car into a ditch." It's so much easier to change people's perseption of you when you don't have everyone reminding you what you did.


Just a few ideas. I'll be watching to see what other people think. Good topic. And I'm avoiding work right now too. :iagree:

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It really depends on the past, doesn't it? Also, your position in the hierarchy is important too. A certain person murdered someone when he was young, but all that has been swept away so we can focus on what a "wonderful" person he turned out to be.


It's all in the eye of the beholder, the previous example being a case in point. Some people will always associate that person with a certain young woman killed by him, others will only see what a "wonderful" person he became.


From a strictly Christian stand point, if you've asked for forgiveness for something it should be forgotten. I've developed a delightful case of self-induced amnesia to make that easier for myself ;)

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