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Need help from those who've had NM semifinalists...

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We received notice of this today. Yea! Nice, but are now looking over and beginning on the paperwork. :001_huh:


Those who have done this in recent years, I had a few questions:

1. On the academic record part, where you're basically supplying a transcript - we, personally, have to give numerical grades for our accountability group, but did most of you guys just supply letter grades or did you give numbers? and did you just put a grade in the "final" column or in other terms?

Did you base your GPA's on a 4 pt. scale?, etc.

2. The other main part that I'm not exactly sure how to treat is part C (the school profile section - this is not the section where you're giving grades of your child) where it says "list highest level course" and in the column next to it it says "list other AP/accelerated courses." - what I'm wondering is if they're asking highest level in that subject that my student took, or highest "offered in my school"? I'm just wondering what any of you did w/this section.


We do have some AP courses through PAH - but not a ton or anything - I just want to represent things correctly, but don't want to do anything dumb or leave anything out, or, misunderstand what is being asked.


I have some other questions, but could some of you field either of these at the moment.....?




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I called the NM folks today. The receptionist and the "answer" lady I spoke with were very nice and helpful. The lady who answered my questions had a calm tone of voice and manner that really helped me with my jitters about the paperwork.


Here were my questions:

1. Who can write the recommendation? My dd has never taken any outside classes, so getting an "educator" is out. The NM lady answered that someone she worked with at one of her activities, or a music teacher, would be just fine.

2. May we ask the vet who is the director of the wildlife center where she volunteers? Answer - yes.

3. What is non-glare tape? Answer - Scotch-type.

4. May I do our transcript on the computer and tape it to the application? Answer - yes, but try as much as possible to make it like the application format.

5. What I should fill in for the student comparison ("Compared to other students in your school, does this student have the most rigorous, etc., curriculum?"). The NM lady said that was a new question this year added for the schools. She said, "Feel free to put N/A in for any question that does not apply."

6. This was a dumb question - was the return envelope postage paid? The answer was a nice, "no."


I suggest you call them. They answered right away, I was not put on hold, and I did not have to leave a message. They were very pleasant to speak with. If you do call, will you please post your questions and their answers?




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1) We only gave letter grades, and we only gave "final" grades.


2) What we did about the "highest classes offered" question -- we listed the highest courses my kids took! For some areas, it was AP-level classes, for some it was college classes (which I indicated by putting (college) after the course name, but for biology it was just plain biology!


Why we did it that way -- my kids ultimately could have taken just about any course available -- either through the local 4-year college or online ..... So we just decided to list what the kids actually took!


My kids both got finalist status, so the NM folks seem to have respected our approach.

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Thank you so very much. You both really helped with just about all I had on my mind. I will keep in mind, though, about calling them. That helps a great deal to feel that they will be helpful.

I was thinking similarly to you, Gwen, on that "highest level course" part.

God bless - I may be back on here.........



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Thanks to all of you for posting this! Ds just got his NM packet as well, and I had the very same questions! We're asking a music teacher to do the recommendation and I was wondering what to do about the "compared with other students" question, as well as being a little confused on section C. It is reassuring to get these answers! :001_smile:

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I called the NM folks today. The receptionist and the "answer" lady I spoke with were very nice and helpful. The lady who answered my questions had a calm tone of voice and manner that really helped me with my jitters about the paperwork.


Here were my questions:

1. Who can write the recommendation? My dd has never taken any outside classes, so getting an "educator" is out. The NM lady answered that someone she worked with at one of her activities, or a music teacher, would be just fine.

2. May we ask the vet who is the director of the wildlife center where she volunteers? Answer - yes.

3. What is non-glare tape? Answer - Scotch-type.

4. May I do our transcript on the computer and tape it to the application? Answer - yes, but try as much as possible to make it like the application format.

5. What I should fill in for the student comparison ("Compared to other students in your school, does this student have the most rigorous, etc., curriculum?"). The NM lady said that was a new question this year added for the schools. She said, "Feel free to put N/A in for any question that does not apply."

6. This was a dumb question - was the return envelope postage paid? The answer was a nice, "no."


I suggest you call them. They answered right away, I was not put on hold, and I did not have to leave a message. They were very pleasant to speak with. If you do call, will you please post your questions and their answers?





I'm glad you got some answers and from a live and helpful person!! :)


Just a clarification on the tape issue - we actually googled "non-glare tape" and the first hit was a discussion on College Confidential - people there said to use Scotch Magic tape - I think non-glossy or non-shiny is a better description than "non-glare" :glare:


We're thinking they'll either scan or photocopy the forms, and "shiny" tape (or staples for that matter) would hinder the final product.

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2) What we did about the "highest classes offered" question -- we listed the highest courses my kids took! For some areas, it was AP-level classes, for some it was college classes (which I indicated by putting (college) after the course name, but for biology it was just plain biology!


Why we did it that way -- my kids ultimately could have taken just about any course available -- either through the local 4-year college or online ..... So we just decided to list what the kids actually took!



Actually this is VERY helpful, thanks Gwen!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the parental employment section for the NM finalist app:

If I, the mom, have not been employed (other than a few years receiving basically a stipend for children's ministry at church) since I've had kids - should I totally leave all the mother part blank? Like not fill in any mother info, since I am not employed? Like the way it is set up on there - it doesn't make sense for me to even put my name b/c the whole block is about employment.


Thanks for your help, as always.



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