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Handwriting dilemma.

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We are well into week 4 of school and have been doing well with handwriting for my ds7 and dd5. I purchased two different handwriting books because I couldn't decide which to use...CHC Handwriting Series or Writing Our Catholic Faith Handwriting. Both are OK, but I'm not thrilled with either one.


In efforts to not be wasteful, I have had the kids do one page in each book every day. The lessons are super short (even shorter than those found in the Zaner Blozer books), so it's not too bad. I just still don't like the programs, especially for my kindergarten dd, who is still learning to properly form her letters.


I'm tempted to drop them for my dd and use HWT K for her (I used it for my ds and really liked it). Should I just do that??? HWT is inexpensive, so that's not a problem.


I'm wondering if this will confuse her, though, especially since we are starting week 4 of school. But better to do it now than later, right??


Advice welcome!!!!!


Liz in NC

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We switched to A Reason for Handwriting K this year after my dd went through an entire year of preschool learning D'Nealian. It wasn't much of a problem to switch. She would form the letters correctly right away when working in her handwriting workbook, but on other things it took her a few weeks before she stopped putting the little "swoops" on her letters. It might take a little time to transition, but I would think with only 4 weeks under her belt with the other style won't cause too much of a problem.

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Thanks everyone! I went ahead and ordered HWT. I think we'll both be happier with it.


Oh...and no big baby break for me!! Things are going great around here with school! Besides, I already took off 2 weeks (1 week before baby and 1 week after baby). This is the best time to do school...baby sleeps all day and we keep chugging along!:D


Liz in NC

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