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So I had the WORST customer service experience of my life today. I left the conversation feeling very upset, and actually a little hurt by how I was treated, and I'm super thick skinned.


Anyway, I wrote down the name of the lady I spoke with and got her managers name as well and sat down to write a letter to the company describing my experience, but how do I end it? "Thank You" or "Sincerely" don't seem to fit and as much as I feel like it "$#%^$% you" is not really appropriate.

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Thank You!!! Too late at night for me I guess, I couldn't come up with anything!


It is our bank actually, a credit union. And this is not the first time. We had an issue with them about a year ago and had to call customer service and also got a very rude person, but I just shrugged it off as one bad person. I couldn't ignore it this time.


I called with simple questions and right off the bat, even her "Hello, May I help you?" had this very snotty tone to it. And then she actually interrupted me and said:


"STOP TALKING, I'm trying to tell you something"


I was floored. I worked in customer service for 6 years, and have obviously been a consumer for many more. I have never been spoken to in this tone of voice, or been told to stop talking by ANYONE. I don't think my parents have even said that to me!


And really, I was being perfectly polite, it wasn't a matter of her dealing with a difficult customer, and even then I don't think it's appropriate. Having been in the business, I know you need to be able to keep your calm in any situation.

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Wow! I would have likely made an inappropriate comment like 'what got your undies in a wad?'


Do you HAVE to stay at that credit union? Ours is awesome and I hope never to leave but if I was treated that way, I really wouldn't want them managing my money. I hate to be pessimistic but I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't hear back, or if you did that it would a simple 'we'll take care of it' and then nothing is really done. They probably wouldn't even care if you changed banks because you're one small fish in a great big ocean. Sad, isn't it?

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Yes, we are planning to leave. I will mention it in my letter, but I agree they probably will not care. However if I am not the first, or maybe last, complaint that she gets than the letter will be worth it.


They do record phone calls, it's stated at the beginning, so I'm counting on them pulling it up.


You are supposed to type in your SS# and pin# when you first call, before you get a live person, which I tried to do but the system wasn't working. The first thing she said to me, in her rude voice was "Ya know if you had punched in your social security number when prompted I wouldn't have to ask you security questions". So sorry to bother you Ma'am. The whole thing went downhill from there.

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