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History Question


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We used Story of the World volume 1 through 4 starting in 2nd grade. I thoroughly enjoyed this curriculum. Honestly, the best part of this curriculum is learning history myself for the first time. I used to say that history was my weakest subject. I learned more in my son’s first year than I learned in my entire school career. I feel so good knowing that my son is being presented with history in a logical, engaging, and painless way. This curriculum allowed a history-ignorant mom to give her child a great introduction to world history and a love and enthusiasm for history as well.


The readings are perfect for early elementary age – not too simple and not too difficult. The activity guide is a priceless resource, and we used every bit of it. That is what made the program so rich. Ds used the coloring pages while I read. We used the review questions usually verbally, but one year, I used the review questions to give my son practice in writing complete sentences. Doing narration and summary paragraphs helped with writing, although this was my son’s least favorite part. The map work was helpful. We borrowed many of the supplemental books from the library. We even read most of them. The activities and projects were fun and really helped to bring history alive and be remembered. We met with other families 2x a month to work on projects. Besides gathering the library books and project supplies, there really is no other preparation needed.


For some people, this curriculum is too secular. For some people, this curriculum is too Christian. I prefer secular resources, and I thought SWB did a great job of introducing the different world religions in an unbiased manner.


I highly recommend this program. It spoiled me. My only complaint is that that there is no similar program for logic age.

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I'm currently working through the text and activity guide with my dd6 who's in grade 1 and she LOVES it. She asks to do history every day. We were able to get most of the recommended supplementary reading books out from the local library so costs have been minimal- a big bonus for us!!


DD loves reading through the library books on her own when I'm busy with household tasks and telling me about everything she's reading. Some of the colouring pages in the AG are not great but I've been able to find some super ones on the internet to print. Sometimes she just wants more to colour because she loved the story so much! The activities are great for her age level- we've done most of them. No chicken mummy though- couldn't wrap my head around that one. ha ha


The stories in the text are informative- just the right length to keep her attention and peak her interest for more. This is the only reading that I can honestly say she has not had a bored moment with. She LOVES science too, but the more SOTW we do, the more she likes history.


The thing I like most about it is that it's all laid out for me. Like so many moms on these boards, I've put so much energy, effort and thinking into all we do that it's nice to have one thing nicely laid out for me! phew. That being said, I do supplement SOTW with more bible stories (using Golden Children's Bible or another picture Bible we have) that fit into the time period. I find that tedious- making sure that the timing of the bible stories correlates with the SOTW time period, but so far so good. This has been a personal choice and not because I feel it is lacking in the curriculum.

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