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What level of R & S Grammar would you put a 12 year old in...

Pat in MI

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He has completed R & S Grade 3 a few years ago and we have done some LLATL and Queens Language Lesson books in between there, but nothing that equals R & S in rigor. Where would you suggest placing him? Would you think 5 or 6? Could level 6 be done with very little grammar prior to it?

Thank you.



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Based on your sentence: "Could level 6 be done with very little grammar prior to it?", I would also recommend starting in R&S grammar 5. Grammar 6 reviews a lot of 5, but I think the diagramming would be too much without more than "a little grammar" knowledge.


I'm teaching both R&S grammar 5 & 6 this year. Let me know if you have an specific questions about the differences in the program. I'm happy to help.

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well - if the only reason you are choosing R&S is because of it's rigor - check out Analytical Grammar. 12 is the perfect age to start and you can stretch it out over 3 years. The 3 year plan allows you to buy it once and then do it for 10 - 12 weeks each year for 3 years freeing up the rest of your time to concentrate on writing. My dd has learned grammar far more effectively and efficiently with AG than she did with our years with R&S.

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What do you use for writing with AG? I am kind of at a loss with that too. We are trying Writing Strands now, but I,m not sure I really like it all that well. What are you using currently and do you like it?




Well I've used Classical Writing Older Beginners and I'm working some with Writing Strands. I'm not super excited about either. AG has two short courses - one on the 5 paragraph essay and one on the research paper which I plan to do. But I'm still unsure what I'll proceed with in writing. R&S writing was completely useless for this dd so I don't feel we lost there. Right now WS is working best but we'll see. I keep wondering if I should just do IEW even though I really don't like the thought of dress-ups.

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