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Any K-4 Classical Conversations Families?


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Are there any current or former K4 CC families who can give me insight?


We attended our first class today and I am now curious what it looks like for others. I had a discussion prior to starting giving me an understanding of how it would be. This is a brand new program and the first day, so I am trying to be open-minded. But my daughter's class was different than expected.


What does/did your day look like?


Thanks for your help!

Edited by FlutterbyMommy
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We are back in CC this year. Our first year I had one in the Abecedarians and one in the Journeymen (?). My youngest was in the nursery. It was a much more enriching experience for my oldest than my middle one in the 4/5 class. It was almost all boys in there and I really thought it was too much sitting still for all of them including my son. I will say that as the year went on the tutor made more adjustments to the presentation of the material to better suit the age group. This can make a BIG difference! This could be where the tutor can make or break this age-group class IMHO.


We did decide to take a break that following year when my youngest would have been placed in the ABC class. I knew he wasn't ready and I couldn't see spending the money on it for that reason. I do wish now that we had come back sooner so my oldest could have covered the other material at least once. Ah, well!


They all learned a lot in the classes that first year. Much more than I would have been able to teach on my own. My advice would be to understand that it IS going to be hard for that age to sit still. If this is a new program, chances are the tutor is learning the ropes as well. (Give this a little time:)) Regardless of how they fidget, the kids WILL learn a lot, and it is only one day a week. Full-time school-kids at that age somehow make it through much longer days all week long! Best of luck!

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