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SOTW audio question


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It looks as if we will be in the car a bit more this year. I am hoping to use some of this time to listen to SOTW on audio. I haven't bought it yet. I was thinking to take it out of the library to see if we like it first. My problem is that we don't have a cd player in the car, just cassette. Is it not okay to record a tape from a cd taken from the library? I don't know the legalities of that, it just somehow sounds like one is not supposed to do that. Would it work okay to just bring our portable cd player in to the car to listen? Or do I need to just buy the cds and find a way to record them myself?


Any thoughts?

Thank you, Woolybear

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Do you have an MP3 player? We have a car that just has a cassette player, but it's fairly inexpensive to get a connection from CD player or MP3 player to cassette so you can listen in the car.


I think that would be less hassle than transferring to cassettes, personally. I don't think there would be anything illegal about transferring them for your own personal use, but I'm no expert on that! :001_smile:

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I don't know if this is still a pertinent question but I had a similar situation - my family borrowed a bible reading on mp3 from the church library to listen mainly in the car and were wondering how to do this since we only have a cd player (not an mp3 player) in the car. The librarian suggested just copying the mp3 onto cds and then just discarding the cds after we finished our loan period so we don't violate the copyright permission.

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I don't know if this is still a pertinent question but I had a similar situation - my family borrowed a bible reading on mp3 from the church library to listen mainly in the car and were wondering how to do this since we only have a cd player (not an mp3 player) in the car. The librarian suggested just copying the mp3 onto cds and then just discarding the cds after we finished our loan period so we don't violate the copyright permission.

Or you could give the librarian the CDs when you return it for anyone else in the same situation.

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We love the CD's. In fact, ds has never read out of the book and this is our third year doing SOTW. I skim the book to prepare the lessons, but now that I'm using it with History Odyssey I don't even have to do that.


We listen to SOTW in the car, while playing Legos, in the evening, whenever. By the time we're ready for a formal lesson, he already knows the stories backward and forward.

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