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What in the heck happened?

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Keep in mind that I am about 12 hours ahead of most of you.


I posted a link of something interesting I read and then I went to bed.


Apparently, the thread went haywire and got deleted and apparently there were posts lambasting me. Since it got deleted before I could defend myself (and since I never got to read the thread I am not entirely sure what I am defending myself against) I just wanted to clear the air and point out that I made NO judgment statements about the link.


I merely read the article, thought it was interesting, thought some of you maybe interested in reading it, talking about it, etc. All I said was "Have you seen this?" I did not say I agreed or did not agree with it and I was not necessarily promoting it. I just thought it would be interesting to talk about especially since we discuss all sorts of hot topics here. My bad.


Moderator: feel free to lock this thread. I am not interested in even knowing what people said about me or rehashing the argument. But since I slept through the deluge I at least wanted a chance to respond and clear the air.

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what I read of the thread did not bash you, but the comments at the bottom of the linked page sure bashed Mr Piper. :(

I for one thought it was very interesting and did not see anything about you at all. Don't know what happened after I left

I don't think you have anything to apologize for


sorry that happened

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