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When life is too busy

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I have been running around so much that I am finding it hard to get school done without losing my mind. I don't mind being busy at home, but I have been have to go out almost every day and for hours at a time. Then, starting this month my 8 yo will be in theraphy atleast 3 days a week; twice 40 minutes one way and once 30 minutes another way and then an hour therapy each day on top.


How do those of you with a hectic, out of the house schedule manage to get anything done?

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Bless your heart! How do people do it? I don't know of many people with 10 children to compare your schedule with, so according to my assessment, you're doing an absolutely AMAZING job.


You're much farther along the journey than I am, so any advice I might have, I'm sure you've heard.


I'm sure you already put those little hands to work in what areas they are able, maybe it's time to remind them that even the "Little Red Hen" had her chicks working right alongside her! You can't do it all by yourself.


Hang in there. One step at a time, one breath at a time.

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I'm walking around in a fog today because of ongoing sleep issues. Wah.


FWIW, we do workbooks at therapies so we can get through some of the less intense stuff (HW, SWO) when we can fit it in. A couple of years ago for my bday my folks got us a DVD player (2 discs w/ up to 4 screens) for the van so now I have the kids watch science and history stuff from the library here and there, LFC DVDs, it even works for CDs so we play SOTW on it too. The little guy loves Baby Einstein for when I've got two kidlets in the van whom I'm working with while we wait outside music lessons for the other two (and then they switch). I haven't tried the DIVE cds yet, but wouldn't it be cool if that worked too!?


Also, everything goes much better if all the people in the family are pulling their own weight plus another "extra" portion. It runs very smoothly if they remember on their own and I'm not having to stand over people to help them get things done --be it school, chores, piano, chickens, whatever. :rolleyes:


Mostly I just wish I could be three people: one to just love on everybody, one to work with everybody (taking turns because they all need things simultaneously), and one to get all the grown-up stuff done. Maybe a fourth one could take care of the sleeping part for me. ;)

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I have come to the conclusion that I either need to sell a few kids or buy another wife as there just isn't enough of me to go around LOL.


Seriously, I have been running around so much that I am finding it hard to get school done without losing my mind. I don't mind being busy at home, but I have been have to go out almost every day and for hours at a time. Then, starting this month my 8 yo will be in theraphy atleast 3 days a week; twice 40 minutes one way and once 30 minutes another way and then an hour therapy each day on top.


How do those of you with a hectic, out of the house schedule manage to get anything done?




I think we all wonder how you get it all done. I don't know if I'm remembering right, but aren't you working PT now, too?


I don't know what to tell you. I couldn't do what you're doing. Sometimes I think how much better our lives could be if I. would. just. do. more. And then I think, maybe that's one of the things that's right about our lives.


I think women do very well with a lot on their plates. And when we think we can't take one more thing, we look around & find *someone* who can/does, & we think, then, by golly, so will I. We push ourselves way. too. hard.


And we make it, most of the time. It's survival mode, & I think it's part of our make-up, for emergencies. But we've found it there, used it, & come to rely on it, so that now we don't know how to escape from it. Sure, we can "have it all"--kids, careers, etc....in "survival mode." The thing is, in survival mode, you get to the point where you've taken on so much, you're numb. You can't taste the sweetness of any of it, & in the end, you feel like you've got nothing.


So where do we draw the line? I don't know. I think it's different for different people. All the time, I find myself looking at other women, thinking, "If she can do it, I can." I have to draw my line somewhere before that.


So, yeah, you need a wife.;) I don't know what you're up to for sure, but I know when you start to feel the strain, it's important to take a good look at what you're doing. Something can usually go. I don't know what. Maybe one of your older dc could take your ds to therapy--I don't know what the therapy is for or how that would effect things. Maybe one of them could run some of the errands.


If there's not a solution & you do have to live this way, may it be for a short time. You know how they say, a season. (((Jean)))

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Jean, we pretty much depend on you to tell us how to get things done or let things go undone with peace. So now I am stumped.


I guess I would try to get some books on tape from the library. And I would get some music and have "music appreciation" on those 40 minute rides. I might find some good taped sermons or music and have "car worship." Just so that I could feel that the time was put to good use.


If you are serious about selling a kid, I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a year year old DD today:)

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We do ballet on Saturday mornings and its one of our most productive school times too. I pack dd's K stuff and either math or reading for ds plus a read aloud for both. While dd is in class, I work with ds for 45 minutes. When dd comes out we have 15 mins for a read aloud. Then dd gets 1 hr of 1 on 1 attention. I'm lucky that the ballet school has a lunchroom with a table, but you can get lapdesks from RR if your waiting rooms don't have tables.


For your time in your car, take a look at Ambleside online. They have a lot of their materials in free audiobook format. That would give you access to a lot of quality literature and history for free.


Good luck with the change in schedule!

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Thanks ladies. I know I can't do it all, but I need to figure something out. I never thought of doing some school in the van, which might work. I need to think @ what travels well and plan out a schedule.


Warning! Do not try this if your kids get car sick. I've learned the hard way.

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