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Does anyone have the "nibbled to death by ducks" post by SWB?


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I remember she posted it many years ago on the old boards. It was about writing with boys, and how all writing programs are written for girls. Does anyone have a copy of it, or can give me a link to the original post? Thanks everyone!



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The old link doesn't work, so I'll see if I can type this out really quickly. This was posted back in September of 2002!




In the first place, I would NOT do speling and grammar on the same day; I'd alternate. So every day do reading, a writing assignment and EITHER grammar OR spelling.


In the second place, don't do any of those A Beka writing assignments. A nine year old who's struggling should be writing for 20 minutes per day for one of his school subjects (history, science, or literature -- this writing assignment should be a brief summary of something that he's read, and by brief I mean whatever takes him 20-30 minutes to write -- three sentences in 20 minuets is NOT unusual for a nine year old boy). He should also be taking dictation (again, two sentences is fine) from you at least twice a week. If he's a reluctant writer, do this dictation twice a week in place of writing out those summaries, and dictate FROM his history, or literature, or science. So three days a week he might write a summary (which you help him compose orally before he writes), and two days a week he might do a narration.


Now you're getting things under control: Every day he is doing TWO writing-intensive assignments, either


dictation plus grammar


dictation plus spelling


a summary plus spelling


a summary plus grammar



When you can do it without sending your son into hysterics, add a "formal writing program" 1-2 days per week. This helps you be certain that you are covering friendly letters, using adjectives, etc., etc., etc.,


This is the "Nibbled to death by ducks" method of teaching boys to write: You do it EVERY DAY for a short period and eventually they do GET it. (Have you ever heard my "All writing programs were designed for girls" tirade?)




She went on to talk about grammar a bit, and I'd copy that out too, but I've got to get ready to head out the door!

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Thank you so, so much. That was the part I was thinking of. I'd love to see the rest of it about grammar if you get a chance to type it in too, but if not, no worries, this helps a lot.


And wow, 2002, huh? I've been lurking on these boards a long time!



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