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Paypal Question

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I haven't used PP much, but I've started looking at the sale & swap boards, & I see that there's a distinction between CC & nonCC PP, & I understand it's because of fees. I looked at PP the other night, & if I remember, the fees are about 2% + 30c per transaction. Maybe it's more, because I sold something for around $20 & it cost me almost a $1.


Anyway, what about non CC PP? I figure you link your bank acct, but it seems like I've heard horror stories about that from someone here. Like PP drained their whole BA because a buyer wanted a refund or something. Or maybe it was that PP somehow gets free access to your BA once you hook it up. It seems like someone set up a separate BA just for PP transactions to prevent this.


So I'm just checking because anything w/ $ makes me super nervous.

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You can transfer funds from a credit card to your own PP account, then use PP funds for "funded" (nonCC) transactions, and avoid the whole linked bank account issue.


That said, my husband linked our bank account when PP was new, and we've never had any issue. But we don't normally sell things through PP, so my experience would not be reflective of others who sell.

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My understanding is that they charge fees now for all transactions involving the sale of goods, so unless someone is skirting around that by calling transactions something else when doing the paypal transaction, there should be no reason for someone to charge fees for credit card payments. Technically, it was always against paypal rules to do so, but I understood people doing it when there was a distinction btwn. the two types of payment, but I'm 99% sure fees are charged for all goods payments now, so I don't understand why anybody would differentiate in their listings and charge fees for cc payments.


I just sent a payment to someone who was asking $4 for something and I sent her $5 just out of courtesy because for something that low-cost, I wanted to cover her paypal fees even though she didn't ask. I understand people asking to cover the fees, but just don't understand why people are still charging extra to those who pay with cc paypal, when there should be no distinction now. Please, if anybody knows otherwise, correct me :)

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See this thread - towards the bottom there's utd info.




If I understand things correctly, the only real way to avoid fees now is to send money 'personally' - as a friend or family AND to have the non CC account (which as a pp said you can do by loading up your own account with your own cc) I think it requires more trust because there's no way you can get that $ back if something goes wrong with the transaction. Not that paypal is too keen to get into purchase conflict resolution either but at least in that scenario you have some recourse....


And it looks like now - as of June? - for all sell/purchase transactions, fees get charged whether it's cc or bank account linked.



that's what I think anyway - haven't done it yet this summer :-)

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