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WWE to supplement ps writing?

Sue G in PA

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I'm not thrilled about sending my 4 oldest back to ps. But, it is what it is right now and something I must do. Writing and math concern me the most. I've worked so hard to get ds10 to a place where he is actually "getting" math, only to throw him to the Everyday Math wolves. Ugh. I do NOT, I repeat, do NOT agree with the amount and type of writing required in ps, esp. in elementary school. Ridiculous to ask a 2nd grader to write for 5 minutes on "What is your favorite thing?" (that was the "test" they gave to my ds's entering elem. school 3rd and 4th gr.). They said my kids were grossly behind in writing b/c my upcoming 4th grader only had 4 sentences written (good ones, by the way) and my upcoming 3rd grader only had 2 (okay, he's never had any type of creative writing...only copywork and some dictation). :001_huh: Anyway..I digress. Could I use WWE to supplement at home? Would it take too long? I don't want to pile on the extra work, but do feel strongly that we continue the classical method of writing instruction at home. KWIM? I am getting so anxious about school starting next week that I am physically ill today. I just HATE that this is what we have to do. HATE it. And, I hate it even more that dd12 and dsd10 WANT to go back. Ds9 and ds8 are torn. I think ds9 is getting excited but ds8 is still very hesitant...except that he loves his new Mario backpack. Anyway, I ramble again...Thanks for your suggestions.

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Sue, I certainly think WWE doesn't take too long to do on a daily basis, and if you feel strongly about continuing a classical route, it would certainly work. However, remember that some days are simply copywork, some days are narration. It is a very gentle, nibbled-to-death-by-ducks approach, so I'm not sure if it is going to make you feel any less behind-public-school-expectations. Also remember that only levels 1 and 2 are out now, level 3 expected next month I believe. I love WWE and plan to continue it through all the levels, but I'm not facing the public school writing pressure as you are. Blessings to you as you work to sort it all out!

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I'm not looking to get them "up to speed" with ps writing as I think it is ridiculous. They will do their assignments as best they can but I just want to make sure they still get the firm foundation that they would at home, kwim? I'm not happy about sending them back, but dh thinks we need to (don't ask me about that right now :glare:) and I have to submit. Blech. Anyway, I'm going to do my darndest to afterschool the subjects they will be missing or not getting good instruction in. Thanks for your advice!

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