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Ebay questions

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my dd bought a sewing machine off ebay. It was an very good deal, but still alot of money. The auction ended on Thursday. We had contact with the seller right after, saying after we pay, she would ship. We paid immediately through Paypal. We emailed the seller yesterday morning asking if the item had been shipped. Nothing is showing up on the listing. Should we be concerned. Does it always show on the listing when the item is shipped and give a tracking number? It will be shipped UPS. Thanks.

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my dd bought a sewing machine off ebay. It was an very good deal, but still alot of money. The auction ended on Thursday. We had contact with the seller right after, saying after we pay, she would ship. We paid immediately through Paypal. We emailed the seller yesterday morning asking if the item had been shipped. Nothing is showing up on the listing. Should we be concerned. Does it always show on the listing when the item is shipped and give a tracking number? It will be shipped UPS. Thanks.


I think I would give the seller a little time. I mean you say you paid on Thursday, UPS isn't open on weekends, so she's only had one day to prepare the package for delivery and get to UPS (unless she's a commercial account it costs extra to have UPS pick it up at sellers home).


I would wait and give her Monday to ship it and Tuesday to notify you. Also, keep in mind that if she gives you the UPS trackining number, and you go to UPS's website it will not show as in their system the same day as shipment. UPS only updates their site with new packages overnight.


Unless you have cause to think the seller is scamming you, please, give them a little time to do their part of this transaction. They have a life as well. I've always considered 2 to 3 business days after my payment CLEARS (and not all paypal transactions clear the same day as made) for shipping to happen to be reasonable.

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my dd bought a sewing machine off ebay. It was an very good deal, but still alot of money. The auction ended on Thursday. We had contact with the seller right after, saying after we pay, she would ship. We paid immediately through Paypal. We emailed the seller yesterday morning asking if the item had been shipped. Nothing is showing up on the listing. Should we be concerned. Does it always show on the listing when the item is shipped and give a tracking number? It will be shipped UPS. Thanks.


Let the seller give you an email confirmation of payment received from PayPal and the UPS tracking number. That is the usual protocol. Ebay won't list it. You get it via email.

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How soon would you wait for this email after the auction ends? She did send us an email immediately after wanting payment and saying she would ship right after that. Paypal payment was cleared on Thursday. This is the first item this seller has sold, only her fourth transaction. A member since 2006. Should these have been red flags? And it is my understanding that paying with Paypal gives us protection, is this correct?

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This is the first item this seller has sold, only her fourth transaction. A member since 2006. Should these have been red flags?


I wouldn't necessarily view these as red flags. If you haven't heard from her via e-mail within the next day or two, I'd use the "contact seller" link and ask if the item has been shipped and request a tracking number. I don't believe Ebay posts tracking information.

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Give it some time. Most ebay sellers will ship within 2-3 business days of a cleared payment. Sewing machines can be very difficult to pack properly. I have a few vintage machines here that need to be listed and I hesitate because of the packing ordeal.


If I were the buyer, I would assume that this item would ship sometime before Wednesday. I wouldn't start worrying about a tracking number until then. The tracking number won't automatically show up on your pp transaction unless she pays for shipping through pp. If she takes the machine to the UPS store, she will need to come home and manually enter the tracking number into the paypal transaction. After that, you can track it through paypal.


In any case, give her some time. Only one business day has passed since the sale. She may have other things to do...


I have ebay items to be mailed out today, but we are expecting a big storm and I will not be dragging my kids out in the middle of it. I sure hope my sellers aren't thinking I'm taking too long to ship if I take an additional day.

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How soon would you wait for this email after the auction ends? She did send us an email immediately after wanting payment and saying she would ship right after that. Paypal payment was cleared on Thursday. This is the first item this seller has sold, only her fourth transaction. A member since 2006. Should these have been red flags? And it is my understanding that paying with Paypal gives us protection, is this correct?


Ebay has an option to automatically send an email to the winner of the auction immediately after the auction closes, so while it may SEEM like the seller was right there at the computer as your bidding closed, that is most likely no so.


There are a lot of people who are hesitant to purchase from such "newbies". They have no track record for accomplished sales and smooth transactions, but you know what.....everyone that sells on Ebay was once a newbie, and if no one bought from them, well, ebay would not exist, lol. Yes, there is a higher chance that someone with their first sale will be a scam....but you know what I would tend to think the problem might be that since she's so new to this, perhaps she doesn't understand/know the protocol of selling on ebay. To her, she posted it for sale, it sold, you paid, and now she knows she has to pack it up and mail it. Perhaps it's already in the mail, or sitting by the door to go to the post office today......but she just doesn't realize that she should be letting you know the status.


Oh, and one thing about the stats for a seller....remember that you are only seeing what she received feedback from! She may have sold more items but if the buyer didn't do feedback, then it won't be included in the count. Same with her being the buyer, if the seller didn't leave feedback than it won't show in her count. I have been buying and selling probably a couple thousand but my counts is in the high hundreds....mostly because I'm horrible about remembering to leave feedback for my buyers because I've always been told to wait until after they leave feedback for me, and if they don't I never remember, and half the time when they leave feedback (and mine is 100% positive!!) I don't get around to leaving it for them. yeah, I'm a bad ebayer etiquette wise but at least I'm an honest ebayer! So, her stats are low but it's not necessarily truly the first thing she's sold, or the 4th transaction she's made....but it's still pretty low.


And yes, you have some protection from Paypal. You have 45 days to dispute the transactions.....so in other words, if your item doesn't arrive in 45 days then you can file a dispute and request that Paypal help you with a refund. Paypal requires her to provide proof of mailing to your confirmed paypal address, so it's not a case of Seller "saying" they sent it....she has to prove it. It's not a perfect guarantee....but there are other remedies if that fails, such as disputing it with your credit card company, but this has drawbacks like ebay and paypal will close your accounts. Did the item have Buyer Protection? (Look under the price, it should like shipping, refunds and coverage.....does the coverage say something like "Pay with paypal and the full price of your purchase is covered").


I wouldn't be surprised if she responds to your email today....perhaps she isn't online much over the weekend because she's with family. Perhaps she does email from work.

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she still hasn't responded to my email. But I did look at the listing again and it did say it had buyer protection. Is this an option with ebay or is it on every listing?



Not every listing has it, but most that I've come across do, and while I've never had to use it, my understanding is that it's basically Ebay guaranteeing you that if there is a problem they'll help you get it resolved or refund your money. One of the biggest pitfalls of Paypal disputes is that you have to wait 30 days to even start one....then there is a bunch required waiting periods...you make your dispute, seller has a certain amount of time to respond, then you can respond, then you can escalate it for Paypal to decide, Paypal takes a while, etc. And of course, the seller knows all along that you are disputing, so the truly scammers will empty their paypal bank account and move on to a new ID, leaving you to win the dispute but no money left in the account means no cash back. The buyer protection is supposed to eliminate that mess because Paypal/Ebay take on the burden of hunting down the scammer to be reimbursed.


I know you posted this a while ago, and I apologize for not responding, email never told me that there was a response to look at, I stumbled across this. But I was wondering if your daughter has received her sewing machine yet? I hope so and that she's already created something wonderful with it.

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