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intro and question

Guest Julie in Il

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Guest Julie in Il

Hi everyone! New here and would like to introduce myself. I am married and have four children, all girls, ages 4-18. I am a registered nurse but currently a SAHM. I have a question for all of you. My friends can't figure this out, so I thought maybe I could get some insight here. I have been interested in homeschooling for more than ten years. I've read several books on the subject and done some pretty serious research. I feel passionately about homeschooling my kids. My husband is opposed to it. I have committed this to prayer and feel I'm being led to homeschool. I have tried to shake it over the years and it just won't go away. My husband now says that if I homeschool, he will leave me. He is a proponent of public schools. Not that he is involved in the schools in any way, but a proponent, nonetheless. Well, any insight, advice, or comment? Thanks for listening.

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I think that fact that he threatened to leave, signifies a bigger issue. That aside, if you really want him to listen, you need to make sure he understands homeschooling. Ask him to do some research himself, and discuss it with you. Have him read WTM, and other books. He may have the impression that all homeschoolers are weird, religious, or some have other pre-concieved notions-kwim.


My bf doesn't get it AT ALL. I'm sure she thinks my dc aren't getting any kind of real education. She has no clue, maybe your dh doesn't either.


Good Luck, I hope things work out for you.

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Guest Julie in Il

Thanks, I agree with you. I have tried educating him about hs, but he just thinks ps is our civic duty or something. Its just so frustrating. I have been passionate about this for so long, I really feel strongly about it and he is being so impossible. I guess I thought maybe there was something I was overlooking. I do appreciate the replies, thanks!

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