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I don't know whether it is the winter blahs

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or PMS, but I have the biggest case of inertia. I just don't feel like doing anything. We were snowed in half the weekend and you would think I could have used that time to catch up on laundry or clean the place up, but I just sat around, checking the boards, eating chocolate, etc. Okay, so I did wash dh's dress clothes so that he would have something to wear to work today, and I did help deliver the last of the neighborhood Girls Scout cookie orders, and played with the kids a bit. But mostly, I avoided work. And today, the same mess is staring me in the face, and here I sit. At least I haven't had any major depression this winter, so I guess I can feel a little lazy for the last few weeks of it. Thankfully, I usually get lots of energy to clean in the spring! :)

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My sil in Ohio (near Akron) got 16 ins of snow Friday and Sat! And the kids have school today! Unbelievable.

You probably just needed some downtown. It always helps me to invite someone over--place gets a quick clean that way. My parents also come from NH three times a year--they are coming tonight on their way back up from Florida, so I know the house will at least get a lick and a promise! lol

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Also, sometimes you just have to kick-start yourself into gear, get a lot done one day, and that motivates you to keep going. My mom came this past weekend, and she was in a house cleaning mood, lol. She cleaned the entire upstairs of my house, helped me catch up on the laundry, vacuumed the whole house, and just helped me get back into gear. Now, my mom usually drives me nuts when she's here, but sometimes she super-helpful. When she left, I had a nice, clean house, the laundry was washed, folded, hung-up and put away, and all the dishes were done. I looked around and thought, 'nice, I really feel like organizing my sewing/craft stuff now.'


I know all those experts out there tell you to de-clutter, then clean, but if my house is not clean before I de-clutter and organize, it just leaves me depressed to do all that organizing and still need to clean the house. If you don't have a mom/aunt/sister available to help you get into a cleaning mood, maybe you could trade off with a friend. She comes and helps you one day this week, and you go to her house and help her one day.

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