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So my son's decided that he's Quiverful ;-)

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My 6-y-o looked at me seriously the other day and said, "Mom, I think God knows how many babies to give you."


And I said, "Oh? You think so? And how many babies do you think God wants to give me?"


He thought for a moment. "Oh, I think about one every thirty seconds."


"That would be a lot of kids."


"You could have twins, too, if you want," he added helpfully. "Then you could have twice as much as double nine billion googolplex."


Um. Yeah. Not exactly the time to explain the terms "low fertility" and "keeping my sanity," I guess, but he was disappointed to learn that gestation and multiple births cannot be controlled by force of will.


My mother fudged his age by a year so he could be in a much cooler day camp. I was worried that he wouldn't fit in, but apparently, the instructors thought he was nine. (A very, very, VERY short 9-y-o....) My brother, too, asked (without hearing what they'd said), "Why does he talk like a nine year old?"


Ill tell you: PRACTICE.


Every afternoon, approaching the classroom where the day camp is held, you can hear that kid's mouth going 90-to-nothing. (It's an appropriate time to talk, mind you, and he isn't louder than the other kids, but his volume is stunning.)


Last year was officially K, so we concentrated on reading and math. This year, which is officially 1st, we'll concentrate on writing. That and cutting are the two areas he couldn't keep up with the oldest kids in.

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He wants to share his toys with that many kids? This boy might be the one to achieve World Peace!






If you mean he'd like to be the DICTATOR of a peaceful world, yes! He's my social engineer. Never met a stranger and usually has any group of kids bending to his will within half an hour.

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LOL Maybe president someday? :)


Heaven help us....


There are LOTS of good things about him, but that sheer ease at which he manipulates others, his towering arrogance, and his deep need for popularity concern me. (He was furious after promotion Sunday last year because in his new age grouping, the kids didn't already think he was the coolest. His words. What does a 5-y-o know about being cool????) He has an urge to tell people what they want to hear. Worst-case scenario, he could be a con man or very much like a certain president that's already been elected. I couldn't live with myself then.


There are going to be Holocaust books in our reading curriculum next year--that and a book about a kid whose bad choices, though instigated by his friend, cause his friend's death (On My Honor). He NEEDS these books, just like he needs all the activities I find for him where he isn't the best!


(He misbehaved very badly the day that would have been his first day of VBS, and I made him stay home, so he didn't get the perfect attendance award. The sheer shock of not being among the chosen shook him. And that was PERFECT ATTENDANCE.)

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Heaven help us....


There are LOTS of good things about him, but that sheer ease at which he manipulates others, his towering arrogance, and his deep need for popularity concern me. (He was furious after promotion Sunday last year because in his new age grouping, the kids didn't already think he was the coolest. His words. What does a 5-y-o know about being cool????) He has an urge to tell people what they want to hear. Worst-case scenario, he could be a con man or very much like a certain president that's already been elected. I couldn't live with myself then.


There are going to be Holocaust books in our reading curriculum next year--that and a book about a kid whose bad choices, though instigated by his friend, cause his friend's death (On My Honor). He NEEDS these books, just like he needs all the activities I find for him where he isn't the best!


(He misbehaved very badly the day that would have been his first day of VBS, and I made him stay home, so he didn't get the perfect attendance award. The sheer shock of not being among the chosen shook him. And that was PERFECT ATTENDANCE.)



hehehehe oh boy!! My dd too gets so fixated on the "perfect attendance" awards. She usually would get a cold once in a year at least that would be severe enough to keep her out of AWANA. She could win 5 other awards that night but it would still bug her that she almost got the perfect attendance. hehehe


Your son sounds like a pistol. I think to a certain degree thought their personalities develop kind of like their bodies, in uneven spurts you know? I'm sure in the end it will all even out and he'll be a boy to be proud of. He sounds like he has a lot of great qualities. :)

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Your son sounds like a pistol. I think to a certain degree thought their personalities develop kind of like their bodies, in uneven spurts you know? I'm sure in the end it will all even out and he'll be a boy to be proud of. He sounds like he has a lot of great qualities. :)


Oh, I do hope so! I was a very, very, VERY justice-focused child. I stood up for kids on the playground, even if I didn't like them. I made sure everyone had a turn. When we "picked teams," I made sure that the same kids weren't always chosen last.


My son isn't like that. He has one friend who is mean to another, and he'll not be mean, too, but will go along with the preferred friend, and this just...disgusts me. It makes me so angry that I shake, even though I hide it from him. Sometime, I feel like there's some level of compassion that's just broken in him, as loving and darling as he can be, and even though he's NEVER started a fight and gets along with anybody. He used to stand up for anyone who he saw as weak. I don't see that so much anymore. He's concerned about what people will think of him. That's not good.


I'm hoping this is an accelerated adolescence that he'll grow out of. He got his first pimple this week, too, which has me freaking out a bit. He's 6! Why does he have pimples and why is he interested in popularity and GIRLS???

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Ho would he feel to know that other people could be braver, more encouraging, better at giving compliments etc than him? I've used that tactic on brownies before, with good results.




Oh, good idea! It'll definitely work with the books.


I'll have to find some real-life examples, though. He thinks he should get a prize if he's the best of the worst. So as long as he isn't as mean as X, he's good, in his mind!

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