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4yo's comment when reading "clicked"...

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He's been sounding out simple words (cat, sit, and so on) for quite a while, but my oldest daughter sat down with him the other day with our old copy of Reading Reflex and he began reading the simple stories (Ben Bun, etc.).


He got the most incredulous look on his face and said, "I'm really READING! Do you mean I can read all these (gesturing to our bookshelves) books? I can read MILLIONS of books?!"




It was one of those "I love homeschooling" moments.


Although, I'm just the teensiest bit misty that he's the last Little to teach how to read. ::Sniff::


As an interesting aside, he said that he can "only" read stories with "big" words. But he didn't mean long words...he meant the huge print that Reading Reflex uses, lol.


Anyway, just had to share.

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Very touching story. I got misty just reading it! I remember my son's "aha" moment too. He must have been five, because we were on our way to the Oregon Suzuki Institute for the first time. He had been very resistant to the whole idea of reading, and just insisted that it was not something he could do.:) So he didn't want to look at the words when we were reading, didn't want to see why "hop" sounds kinda like "pop." Fine, whatever.


I gave him the very first "Bob" book at the hotel in Oregon and didn't say anything. He was intrigued by the drawings, and the humor of the book. He found out that he could read the whole book BY HIMSELF (the first Bob book only has one or two sounds in it -- it sets the child up for success). He was laughing because he had surprised the heck out of himself. He would read that silly book over and over, laughing both at the story (didn't somebody sit on somebody??) and at the fact that he could READ!!


Fun. I'm sorry it's your last one! But it sure sounds like this one is going to be a voracious reader!



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