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Free books?

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Will this work?


I'd like to clean up some of our bookcases by offering some text books for free, including postage, to those who have a really tough time paying the costs of homeschooling. The only "compensation" I'd like is for the books to get passed to someone else for free after their use. I'd like to ask that people who can afford to buy the books get them from someone else, leaving these for someone who needs them.


Any comments, suggestions?

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It should. But who knows about people?


Last summer I gave away a lot of books before our move, asking only for postage costs and any donation to our seminary fund that people wanted to make. I sent out over fifteen boxes to several individuals. The money I got back didn't even cover postage. I was surprised and disappointed. Oh, well. God is taking care of us:o)

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I think it's a great idea.


I did a similar thing with all of our extra stuff. It's all packed away, waiting for our next big yard sale (either with the scouts or the red hats). I'm going to have a 'free to good home' booth.


I hope it works out for you, but if someone does take advantage (or you get "had"), please remember all the other people you helped. IOW, don't let the bad apples ruin the whole thing.

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This is a great thing. I have a friend who did this for us. She had tons of math manipulatives, books, readers, etc that she gave to me. Her stipulation was that I pass it onto someone else who needed it. I went through and took what I needed/wanted and then found a newly hsing mom and passed it all onto her.


It works great when people don't turn around and list it on ebay! :) I will do something like this when we are done using our stuff.

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