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Dallas Board Members....what is your Wx tonight?

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When we checked the radar a couple of hours ago, a huge storm was headed right toward the airport. Now it looks like it's going to miss the airport, but there's still wind and rain....


Try weather.com for updates.


Hope he gets to leave soon!

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All to familiar with windshear -- all of my legal corporate experience was in the aviation industry -- and I always prefer to sit than have soneone make a potentially dangerous decision. I was just trying to gauge when the weather would make a take-off possible, and based on that time, what it might be doing here in VA (where we were also waiting for strong storms) and if DH was indeed going to be able to get home last night.

He did -- but about four hours later than planned.

The info about the winds being strong enough to cause windshear was indeed very helpful -- I had been wondering if it was merely a 'breeze' or something more. As DH travels there frequently, the link that Aubrey sent (along with this info) will be helpful for me.


Thanks --:001_smile:

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