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FLL 1 & WWE 1 - Is HWT 2nd grade redundant?


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I'm still trying to figure out my LA choices for my 2nd grader this year.


I've narrowed it down to FLL 1 (& 2)... but he needs practice writing desperately. So I thought WWE 1 sounds good?


I've been using HWT - with good success. And was planning on using their 2nd grade printing. I think we'll wait on cursive until 3rd grade, as he needs more practice printing well.


So, is FLL 1, WWE 1 & HWT too much? Or just enough?



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There is very little writing in FLL 1. Copywork doesn't even begin until nearly halfway through, and then it gives several options. If you feel like your child can handle a whole sentence, you can assign it. If you feel like he's done enough writing for the day, you can just assign the shortest copywork or even skip it. I don't think it's redundant at all.

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This "past" year (in quotes because we haven't quite finished up everything and will probably just plod on into the "next" year), my dd was in 1st grade and we did FLL1-2, WWE1 (started in about April because that's when I bought it), and Reason for Handwriting B.


There is little writing in FLL1 and a bit more in FLL2. I did feel like FLL2 + WWE + RfH was a lot of writing but I also thought it'd be better for her to get in the rhythm of the WWE books with book 1 before going on to book 2. (dd loves WWE, so I still feel like that was a good choice.) Because she was doing a lot of writing, I let dd choose which WWE sentence she wanted to copy.


So, I think redundancy will partially depend on your child. If his writing is good and doesn't need so much practice, I might skip the handwriting. If he hates writing, ditto. (IMO, copywork in WWE would be more important than handwriting.) If his handwriting needs work, then I wouldn't consider it redundant.

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We did just FLL2 and HWT b/c WWE wasn't available back then. My ds1 was/is such a reluctant writer and studing in general that that was all we could handle. But if your dc is comfortable writing by hand and not getting tired of it, WWE would give a little more practice than FLL alone. HWT is plain handwriting and no real writing practice. You can always adjust how much WWE work your dc does to meet the needs.

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