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WWYD about SOTW3 if you...


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...lived in a Revolutionary War reenactment area?


Looking at it, we won't get to the Revolutionary War until the beginning of November, but the reenactments coincide with the original dates of the battles, many of which (around here, at least) occurred between August and the end of September. We have access to Fort Stanwix and the Oriskany Battlefield, the Steuben Memorial, Schenectady, Saratoga, etc..


Do I skip ahead? I don't want to confuse the kids about chronology, but there's something to be said for reading about something and then, that weekend, being immersed in living history.

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Are you planning on moving any time soon?


We live near George Washington's Birthplace, Stratford Hall and a ton of other historic sites. I plan on going to all those places specifically for that point in history when we get to it. Granted, we go pretty often anyway, but we don't usually pay too much attention to any of the tours and just wander, soaking it in.


If you aren't planning on moving, then go for the excitement of attending, but go again when you're covering it for history. That second visit, you can go more in depth :)

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We'll definitely go either way. The reason I'd like to cover it at the same time as we go is because these are big, annual reenactments. So they won't be going on in spring, yk? SOTW covers the Revolution in Ch. 22, so you know I'm not getting there by then if I go in order. :confused:

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We went to a civil war reenactment last labor day and we are just getting to the civil war in our studies now (yes, a reenactment here in Oregon--not an exact replica of any particular battle). The experience made our dds eager for our studies and they are diving into the topic. I think they can picture it all a lot better because of the reenactment. They are also interested in going to other reenactments in the future. So I would say definitely go to the reenactments now and you can go again next year. The first trip will prime your students for learning, the second they can watch with a deeper understanding.

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So I would say definitely go to the reenactments now and you can go again next year. The first trip will prime your students for learning, the second they can watch with a deeper understanding.


So you'd go through SOTW in order, then?

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I think in order might be best. They'll see the reenactment before and after. One thing I've noticed is that the better the field trip, the less ds retains of the lesson. He can tell you all about seeing the craters of the moon and things (we went to get together as a field trip for astronomy), but for the next week that was ALL he would remember.


It might work out better that way. You'll get the book learning in and it will mean more, because they'll remember the first reenactment, and the second reenactment will mean even more, because they have a deeper understanding of it.

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