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Dr Hive? Tick removal/sore ?

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I woke up this morning and felt something strange on my side/back and when I pulled it off, it was a tick! (I really thought I slept on pretzel crumb or something.) The site where it was is purple, and about the size of a penny. There is a "lump" on the spot. I went hiking with the kiddos Friday and checked THEM completely for such critters afterward and scrubbed everyone down, but apparently I didn't do such a great job on myself. Imagine that. :glare: Sunday I wore my super-awesome Spanks undergarment to chuch (under a skirt, don't want you to think I'm going to church in my underthings!), so "squishing" took place, know what I mean? What do I do? I do not want to go to the dr if I don't have to, but I don't want to get lyme disease or something either...remember that Joan of Arcadia episode where she had that? Scared me! :tongue_smilie:



Edited by Melissa in St Louis
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I understand avoiding the doc, because we're self pay, but this could potentially be a big deal.

My dd was bitten by a tic, developed the bullseye, and was put on a antibiotics for three weeks. If caught early, the infection can be eradicated right away. If not treated early it turns into a nightmare.

I'd just go to the doc.

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Seems like no matter how hard we check, one of these little critters always gets away with being noticed. Ideally, you will want to see your doctor~~~~~TODAY~~~~~ -- you want 28 days of doxycycline -- they will argue with you that CDC regs call for 14 days or 21 days, blah, blah, blah, long term complications of antibiotics, and other stuff. The patient's response should be that the long term complications of Lyme's disease are much worse than anything that 28 days of doxy would cause, and ask the doctor what they would give a member of their own family -- that usually gets folks 28 days.

Don't mess with this -- I do not want to sound alarming or hysterical, but taking the right steps now will head off the likelihood of a medical situation that you will not want to deal with down the road.

The doc will want to order blood work - let them - but you still want the doxy.

I have friends who went to the ER when their docs would not go along with what they wanted, or they went to walk-in centers. One of my older daughters is suffering (and that is a mild word to use) from Lyme's disease -- you do not want to go there -- trust me!

Pls let me know what happens.

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I'm not a Dr but due to where we live and our preference for outdoor activities, we've lots of experiences with ticks and tick bites.


Our Dr says unless they were on for at least 24 hours (sometimes 48) there's no worry about Lyme disease. If it's suspect that they were on that long, then get to a Dr to get preventative antibiotics - it's really, really important.


Also, you need to make sure the mouth of the tick is out. Sometimes the critter breaks off with the mouth still in. Either have your Dr check or someone at home with a magnifying glass.


We've encountered many ticks and have yet to get Lyme disease. Being on top of things is important - esp since we have no plans on giving up the great outdoors. No matter how much we check, every so often, one slips by. The last one for me was in my navel!

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I just called and spoke with the nurse and she pretty much brushed me off. She is giving the message to the Dr (who is very very good) and then they are calling me back. Strange.


How irritating. When I took my daughter in the doc was initially dismissive saying tics in Ga were no threat (?). When I told her the bite was from N.C. she changed her tune and had the whole office come in and look at the bullseye.

What the...?


Dd was also initially put on antibiotics for only two weeks; I went back and insisted on more meds when my friend told me her DOG was being treated longer (and better) than my dd!

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