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Storing human food in dog food containers?

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I need large containers to store beans, lentils, peas, oats, rye, amaranth, and barley. I need containers with easy access, but still airtight. This is stuff we eat regularly, so I don't care if the food doesn't last 20 years, it just needs to be good for about a year. I'm considering dog food containers; they even have wheels, which will be very helpful, I think.


Am I nuts to think that it will be safe to store my food in dog food containers?



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I'm glad I looked at the amazon picture first because when I first read your post I thought you meant Alpo containers that dog food comes in. :ack2:


I don't know know why I thought that. My only thought was..why would someone want to do that? Anyway, those containers look like they would be fine. They're airtight and look very convenient.

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I think so. I got a great, air-tight container from Pet Supplies Plus and put our wild bird seed in it, but I like it so much I'd consider getting one for flour and other bulk food! lol It's clean and most likely food-grade plastic, so why not? (People care about the containers for their pets' food, too, I assume! lol)

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Walmart has this listed also, http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=6004473 it is made out of: Constructed of durable polypropylene which my BF says should be fine for food. It is the same material most kitchen containers are made out of.


As you can see here, the container you are looking at, and these food containers are made out of the same plastic material: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10247554


You should be fine to use the big containers to hold your beans and stuff.

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